@SNKY Yeah he's crazy
If you've been around on /a/ for years it's easy to recognize him
He does this to pretty much every harem series in existence
Always manages to pick the worst girl and then shits on the main girl he usually hates
He even falseflags as fans of other girls and even entire fanbases at times via samefagging in an effort to push his narrative
He's also known by his other nickname THK(Tsunhater-kun) because he used to spam and still spams his shitty charts filled with tsundere he hates and the ones he likes(shit-tier ones that nobody likes for example like Houki are his favorites)
He's basically the barneyfag of /a/ so to speak
PS: Make sure to drop by on /a/ whenever Kanokari ends, you will see him there crying non-stop when Ruka loses.