look at the fanboys defending the manga. there's no denying that this manga has been getting shittier by the chapter and it's being dragged out so much. there is the occasional "good" chapter but that's all.
yisus... here we go again, this manga is pointless, whenever we get closer to an actual development the mangaka adds an infinite number of filler pointless chapters.. I wonder how the anime is going to do on its second season, when people realice 90% of the S2 is basically filler.
I'm fine with a couple of Ruka chapters. We NEED more Sumi panels, but Mami chan is straight garbage. Once she comes back the whole thing will be ruineddddddddd😞
feels good speedreading this shitshow. till next week.
author's just milking at this point. compared to this and megumi in terms of progression (which both don't have) i'll prefer the latter. atleast megumi's fucking hot