Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 21 Ch. 179 - The Girlfriend and the Tiger’s Den (Part 4)

Oct 18, 2020
By the way, I've never seen anyone flaunt over Chizuru as you say people do.

Jesus Christ Noob, have you actually been on the internet at all?
You must be avoiding anything on Youtube and Reddit RaGF related.

Actually........avoid Reddit in general....except r/WallstreetBestElite and other Crypto subs.
Reddit is a Cesspool of Autistic Knowitalls.
Oct 18, 2020

You've been saying for the past few chapters you were dropping this manga.
Why are you here?
If the only thing you can muster is that same "imma drop it" BS, head over to Reddit.
Jan 26, 2018
@Blitxaac Final-fucking-ly????
You can tell it's 5 am when I look at this post through bleary eyes, and wonder if that's some sort of crossover eroge. 😅
Active member
Dec 24, 2019
need i say anything more lmao
ive already invested many hours in this dumb fucking manga, i have to see it through im just fucking annoyed of how the mangakaka is just dragging this shit out and baiting ANY fucking progress at this point
wouldnt expect a ruka brainlet to understand, a character who has LITERALLY no purpose to even exist in this manga to begin with other THAN TO SLOW THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT and be used for filler chapters
Nov 22, 2020

correct me if I'm wrong

You mean a Cesspool of Bigoted Autistic Angsty (mostly) Teenage Knowitalls

The Reddit userbase is similar to inhabitants of Punk Hazard, but they stay on the cold side and hate the hot side with a passion.

Opinions are outlawed there, which is why I don't go there. (and I'm guessing the global opinion on r/KanojoOkarishimasu is Chizuru > any other character in the show)
Aug 20, 2020
@mrboko1234 How has Ruka slowed the story? She's childish and immature but how the fuck has she slowed the story? The story is slowed because of Kazuya's failed confessions, but more than anything the story is slowed by Chizuru's inability to admit her feelings to herself. Ruka is a distraction sure, but the only people slowing the story are the MC and FMC.
Aug 20, 2020

Yes you're pretty much correct. I avoid the reddit because no criticism of anything allowed unless it's "Ruka bad" or "Mami bad." Incredibly original.

Also you gotta love getting hate for what fictional drawing you like.
Aug 20, 2020
God the waifu wars are still raging??

Look, here are the facts.

Ruka is immature, childish and clingy. She's a naive kid yet people love to paint her intentions as malicious and
emotionally manipulative. She needs to leave Kazuya alone and stop being controlling though. She's got a lot of faults, but people take it too far and forget about context, as well as take the hate to her fans who don't deserve it.

Chizuru is emotionally immature. She can't admit her own feelings to herself and sends too many mixed signals. It's not good for her or Kazuya. Not enough people call her out for her flaws. She's pretty cliche, but her fans often make her look worse than she is.

Sumi is fine I guess.

Mami is irrelevant because mangaka forgot about her. RIP Mami screen time.

If you can't accept somebody's take on best girl get the fuck out.
Feb 7, 2021
You're basically right.
The r/KanojoOkarishimasu is especially bad, mainly because it has all the ingredients for the perfect storm. You take:
1. A system meant to thrive on user engagement
2. Chizuru's main attraction being her looks
3. The general nature of Chizuru stans (aggressive and hostile towards anybody else)
4. A userbase that doesn't like to interact or engage beyond surface level discussion
This composes r/KanojoOkarishimasu. The system thrives of off user engagement, and some people have turned it into a game a garnering little red arrows (there was even a controversy over whether or not the arrows were red or orange). Best way to garner attention is to market your post visually, and the girl that visually appeals to the most amount of people is Chizuru, and the best way to not lose any internet points is to post a "hot" take about how [insert girl besides Chizuru] is garbage. This attracts the aggressive and hostile Chizuru stans, and the system turns into an echo chamber where no dissanting opinion is allowed. The most representation any other girl besides Chizuru gets is the "daily [insert girl besides Chizuru] picture" with, most of the time, zero comments beneath the picture as verbally supporting another character is forbidden.
I once saw a post titled "Who is Best Girl", clicking on it revealed the body text to say "and why is it Ruka?" The post is now deleted with only two internet points to its name, and over 15 comments. A innocuous comment about a girl other than Chizuru being "best girl" was enough to place that thread into the "controversial" section.

Which is why I decided to post here, as my arguments would rise or fall by their own merits. There would be no casual Chizuru stan who could just downvote an opinion they didn't like, they would either have to make an effort in responding, or ignore my comment outright.
Nov 22, 2020

Ironically, for this manga specifically, mangadex has the worst reputation of opinions.

Chizuru and Ruka are both bad. And they both showed it in chapter 180
In fact, Chizuru leads Kazuya on and doesn't face her feelings
meanwhile Ruka loves him, but in some twisted way.
Chizuru's misdeeds are arguably worse
Aug 20, 2020
@S0viet_Noob I pretty much agree except for calling them both "bad." I prefer to use the word "flawed," because neither of them is malicious. In reality this community is very good with hyperbole and making characters out to be these evil monsters when they're not really. But yeah I pretty much agree with what you said.

If anything is bad it's this manga
Nov 22, 2020

I was wrong. The correct terminology would be "flawed" because the only malicious one is Mami.

Quite frankly, I'm starting to dislike both. Chizuru keeps running away and waving a piece of meat in front of a hungry animal. Ruka agreed to babysit a pet, locked it in a cage, and never returned it.

Chizuru should stop running away, it's annoying. She probably knows and recognizes his feelings but decides to run away like a fool. She lacks the will to deal with her problems and is generally a bad character now.

Who ever it was that said Kazuya should be with Sumi.....

Good effort, I am in full support of the idea, but they wouldn't give her a spinoff if she was going to be a prominent character in the series.
Mar 6, 2021

Shes not running from her problems, she's just scared. That doesn't make her a bad character. She's lost everyone she ever loved, and Kazuyas all she has left so she doesn't want to risk the relationship doing downhill, and then drifting apart from him.

If you look at the raws you'll see that she's upset at herself for running away and is in alot of stress. She knows how he feels but she needs time to sort out her feelings and determine if the relationship will work out. She doesn't want to get attached to another person only to have them ripped away again.

The fact is though she's received more development than any character in this series.
Aug 20, 2020

I wouldn't agree. Kazuya has received the most development out of any character in the series by far. That's not even really up for debate. Chizuru could certainly get some development but I fail to see how she's developed so far. Her goals and demeanor has stayed largely the same since chapter 1. Sure, she's warmed up to Kazuya, but that's not inherently development. She's just gotten to know him better.

She is running from her problems BECAUSE she's scared. Everything you said is valid. Chizuru IS flawed, but that's not inherently a bad thing, just like it's not for Ruka either. Chizuru shouldn't have run away, but she has her own reasons for doing so, just as Ruka had her own reasons for being overly clingy and childish.

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