@givemersspls Agree with some but not everything you've said here. Yes allowing even unskilled labor into the country can boost its economy IF the migrants come from a culture with values compatible to the host nation and depending on how large the welfare state is. For instance the US has a smaller welfare state than Sweden and there 50% of Somalians work, compared to 20% in Sweden where you can live a good life without working, especially if you have a lot of children. It isn't rare that a migrant family with lots of children get more welfare than what a middle-class family with both parents working receive post-tax.
However, this in and of itself isn't inherently desirable since what matters isn't the size of a country's economy but rather its size in comparison to its population. What is important is the quality of the lives of the population living in a country, not if there's 10, 20 or 50 million people with a bigger overall economy. For instance Sweden has a pretty good BNP growth right now, mostly from people being forced to loan more to buy a place to live in our housing bubble but let's for argument's sake assume that this is occurring naturally. But if we then look at the wealth growth per citizen we're actually experiencing the lowest growth in the entirety of the EU right now, thanks to our mass immigration. This isn't to say that the wealth get equally distributed among all inhabitants but this will either lead to a class society with a (real) upper class and a under class with all the segregation and violence that follows or it will even out in the long-run forcing almost everyone into the under class. Either scenario is not very appealing.
But as I said (and you've also said) is that you CAN have beneficial immigration, just that the first generation has to be more productive than your average citizen which isn't happening with third world countries, which is the point I've been trying to make. Unskilled labor can work as well when they come from a similarly developed nation in limited quantities like some of us Swedes moving to Norway where we create more value for the country by working than what we're taking out in the form of welfare, and neither commit more crime than the Norwegians. That's more of an exception than the standard though, and even then if you allow too much unskilled labor to immigrate you'll lower the wages for unskilled labor (since supply will outstrip demand) like what's been happening in the US for the last couple of generations, and you'll also stifle industrialization since companies wont need to modernize when they have cheap labor at their disposal. When it comes to skilled labor from the west though I think we both fully agree that it's beneficial for the nation to let them immigrate. I've always found it kinda ironic particularly in the US that the same people demanding open borders with Mexico are the same people complaining about the minimum wage being too low, you can either have one or the other.
And when it comes to crime and cherry-picking data Elfalas already did a good job answering, here immigrants are over-represented in crime pretty much all across the board with a few exceptions, and are roughly 5 times over-represented when it comes to serious crimes (like rape, murder, robbery). And as I said earlier these statistics have been diluted by mixing third world migrants and immigrants from the west together, so you can be entirely certain that the numbers are far worse than what they're letting on. We're now #1 in the world on car-fires and school-fires and Malmö (the place with the most migrants among our large cities) is the most dangerous city in Europe now.
I'm going to admit that I haven't read the crime statistics for every single country in the entirety of the world. Those I HAVE read though (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Unites States, Germany and to some degree Japan) all show a very red line to which nationalities are committing crimes in their nations to the point when it's becoming the norm rather than the exception. So once again I'll ask you to have your pick of any nation in the west and I will dig up the crime statistics for said nation, and we'll repeat this until you admit that third world migrants are heavily over-represented in crime across the west.
And going back to your earlier post (where I didn't have time to address everything since I had to leave for work) I wanted to agree that Japan is in a shitty situations in regards to their aging population. Thing I wanted to point out though is that it's an inherent flaw of the societies we live in and exponentially increasing immigration (the good kind) would treat the symptoms rather than cure the disease.
The core of the issue is that it is within the state's authority to steal retirement funds from the population. Add to that politicians ambitions only stretch into the near future, they want as many funds to play around with in the here and now as possible and they face zero accountability for any long-term decision they make and this is only going to turn out one way only. EVERY single country in the west has fallen into this trap where politicians are either stealing from taxes intended for their retirement or by increasing national debt, so today instead of us working up a lot of resources for ourselves in the future it's become a pyramid-scheme where we pay the previous generation and bet on there being enough taxes in the future to pay ours as well.
Not convinced I'm telling the truth? Take a look at this https://i.imgur.com/G6xLuWx.jpg
This graph illustrates the numbers of a Swedish middle-class worker having 16% of his income put into taxes to pay for his retirement, over a work-career of 40 years and put into a regular index fund. The end result would be him receiving a retirement of $14~15K a MONTH, but instead he's getting less than a tenth of that or roughly 30~40% of what his salary is. While Sweden have slightly higher taxes than most other western countries, today the difference isn't too large so it's a fact that you're receiving FAR less in retirement funds than what you paid into it.
Why? Because instead of taking your money and putting it into a fund for up to 40 years as they're supposed to, politicians instead immediately take it and put it into something more fun (for them) than letting you keep it for your retirement since as said, they don't have any responsibility for your future. I dislike socialism (and hate communism) but THIS would've been a way for us workers to own the economy, by us steadily purchasing more and more of it through our retirement funds. The problem isn't capitalism, too little immigration or greedy businessmen or anything like that, it's our politicians (socialists or otherwise) and the representative democratic system we live in.
@elfalas I didn't really forget about it but had to cut it short because I was getting late for work, but I believe the definition of ''immigrant'' used is for people born with another nationality, while ''immigrant background'' refers to people born in Sweden with at least one immigrant parent. But yeah as you say a lot of people don't get counted, third generation migrants from families who've lived entirely segregated aren't counted into the statistics and those too commit more crime than regular Swedes. As for returning Isis fighters receiving monetary aid and housing from the government I can confirm this, happened several terrorists in my district and a few of them even got rewarded by a governmental job after returning from raping, pillaging and murdering infidels. YEAH, REALLY.
It's not exactly a great feeling when one of your parents live some few miles away from a district where over 20 people went and joined Isis, where they have mosques and murders, robberies, arson, drug-dealing and setting cars on fires. The school was so terrible that (from what I've heard from a local hair-dresser that I visited) that 20+ teachers quit every year due to the kids being unmanageable, they had to eventually close the school down (might as well since it was only a matter of time until someone would set it on fire again) since despite it getting FAR more resources than any normal school the kids were crazy and lacked all common sense since their parents don't even bother raising them but rather create offspring to get generous handouts from the state, like when the school called all parents for a crisis meeting about what to do about their children only a few percent showed up. So in the end they had to close it down and then spread them all out over a larger region. And this is all from a district with 7k inhabitants...
So yeah, this is my reality. Although my subjective experiences are quite bad I don't think they can be used as an argument, what we should be looking at isn't personal points of view but rather statistics and cold facts.
Holy shit that turned out long! I could talk a little about Japanese being racist as well (which I sorta agree with but not for the same reasons) but my favorite twitch streamer is starting soon so maybe later!