Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Good Bye, Friends

Jan 18, 2018
@maek2222 the only issue with that i could see is if there are things that pierce defense, which is common enough in games, if thats the case he is more likely to be fine with his evasion.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
@ RiseOne I think most WN author's idea of a guild is copied verbatim from what other WN authors think a guild in a videogame world does. Instead of coming up with their own unique version, they just copy off the standard "tavern style place with request board" because it's how the previous popular WNs wrote about them before, and its lazy simple worldbuilding.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2018
@WhimsiCat The King and nobility should have an information network in their own kingdom so if they ever hear of the MC's exploits and hear his name then his plan with his friends will be completely ruined. You really didn't think this through did you? Just because they have a high ego they're incompetent, is that what you think? Unless they're complete morons they would most definitely have information on things that happen within their domain. If rumors of a healer with exactly the same appearance as the MC spread then the king and his lackeys would quickly find out.
Jan 18, 2018
So why not just cut off the hand with the contract bangle and regenerate afterwards
I mean he should probably test it by amputating a little toe or finding some random adventurer with missing bits first but with 100 recovery he can probably grow it back in a jiffy right?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@GurenNoOu : Yes, because when MC was untouched by the soldiers trying to beat him, the king totally heard of that unusual event right? Oh wait.
(and these shouldn't be just any random soldier either seeing as they were in attendance at an important ceremony)

>Just because they have a high ego they're incompetent, is that what you think?
Did you not read the first chapter? They already assumed the MC's heal stat is weak and declared him a useless person without actually confirming his actual stat, and refused to listen to when their supposed 'hero' tried to defend him.

But hey, if my idea was stupid yours of saying he should use his last name (again, the one info the king know about him) was even dumber.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I take back what I said. This is pretty bad, in ways I find it hard to even describe.
If anything, it's so obviously a piss-poor attempt of the author to push an idea he finds "soooo cooooolll", while landing on all the boring cliches that effectively tells me that this story is dead at chapter 2.
This is a bit too masturbatory for me, and I read crappy Xianxia stories.
Jan 4, 2019
MC: we'll use our first name as secret contact

a few page later, MC gives his first name to complete stranger...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@WhimsiCat I mean if your an arrogant prick him dodging the guards after dumping into dodging probably doesn't sound too strange. The guards might also just not say anything out of embarrassment. People can be really odd after all so none of this behavior sounds out of place to me. People always complain like its impossible they are so dense, but i can walk into any government office and find idiots like this, so it makes perfect sense to me. I mean i look at the shit the people in charge of my country do and its just as stupid, arrogant and self serving as anything in these stories.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@Merilirem : Fair on the not reporting out of shame, but I think it's more likely that nobody ever run into something with that much evasion before. Heck I don't think they even know MC has 50 stat points.

Remember that he dodged their attacks passively, he didn't even look at their attacks.

And given how the king totally think of the heroes as mere pawns, even if they learn he can dodge like a boss, they'd still likely complain that he's useless as a healer cuz assumed 1 healing stat.
May 14, 2018
Looks good so far, nothing warranting the negative comments I've seen here. I mean it's Isekai what do you expect, originality? Don't make me laugh.

MC get's summoned alongside others by a shady king, who has a hobby of forcing weird (magical) contracts on people, to defeat the demon lord. He has a rare skill and/or his skill choice is deemed useless while it's truly op. Nothing new alright.

There's no Ecchi Tag, no big breasted companion (yet) and the only vulgar looking person is the shady king. I like that he didn't think of the "cutting the hand off and regenerating it to remove the bangle" that was suggested a few comments before. It might work, but if it's a magical contract it might just remove the visible bit of it aaaaand I simply prefer it when cutting of someone's limbs isn't the first solution MC thinks of. I also like that the other two aren't displaying the typical inept behaviour and went as far as getting him out of jail even though they barely know each other. Though... accepting a weird contract to do so might be a tad to much.
Apr 3, 2019
Taking of that armband would be trivial if only the two of them thought about it for a second.
Painful, but trivial.
Chop of hand slide of band reattach hand.

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