Shit has me hooked already with that beautiful artstyle and intesting characters as well as badass looking mc tho he is a karate junkie he's not entirely dumb.
I don't understand this scene AT ALL. This is some mental gymnastic of trying to justify the main character showing his weakness but making him LOOK strong. I bet this is how the salary men think of themselves when they dogeza lol
Oh..Oh...Oooohh.... I like how he analyzed the situation and how he intentionally decided to keep his trap shut for tactical reasons. He showed some brainpower. I truly respect that.
And the princess is.... only a Quarter Elf? ... I hope this doesn't mean full elves have the usual animu massive dagger ears jutting out either side of their heads...
I swear to god, these 'pseudo-european' style names in manga are pure cringe, every time. They aren't even names and make little sense whatsoever... as if there aren't enough real ones, sheesh.