so it got the axe, personally while not terrible I feel the series were just too generic even it's single trait, the whole images/visions thingy didn't even have relevance and were even used at all.
I still liked the mcs and the other characters had its own things going on for them, none of them felt bland or just a mere copy from the other. The mafia arc or whatever that was, was cut out probably because of the axe, kind of a shame since it was a different vibe from what you would expect from a karate manga then again it seemed like it was missing the point of the story, it was more like you were reading some drama/tragedy story than focusing on the development of the characters. Still I enjoyed it but it wasn't anything extraordinary.
I still believe meo is way stronger than takeru but they might as well end as generic as they started and let the "underdog" mc win it