Kasane to Subaru - Ch. 29

Jan 19, 2018
Shinzo Abe’s ghost:


Congrats on popping your respective cherries, you two!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 27, 2019
pretty wholesome and mature chapter - good job author

(ps it's weird how core to the human experience sex is, yet the depictions of it in most media are so ... i'm not going to say 'warped' because that sounds judge-y, but like ... divorced from reality? like people laugh during sex, or fart, or talk, or have kinks or whatever, yet all we're presented with is hyper sexy people drenched in body fluids 99% of the time -> point being, it's pretty rare to see scenes like this, where it feels somewhat true to real life)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
pretty wholesome and mature chapter - good job author

(ps it's weird how core to the human experience sex is, yet the depictions of it in most media are so ... i'm not going to say 'warped' because that sounds judge-y, but like ... divorced from reality? like people laugh during sex, or fart, or talk, or have kinks or whatever, yet all we're presented with is hyper sexy people drenched in body fluids 99% of the time -> point being, it's pretty rare to see scenes like this, where it feels somewhat true to real life)
Sex? What's this mythical thing you speak of?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Oh man the feels are all over the map. It's so cute and funny and heartwarming and wistful all at the same time (and more!). It's like a perfect encapsulation of why we love this series so much :win:

And oh dear Lord that melting line had me feelin' the same :lewd:
Not the dreaded fade to black, I wanted to see them scramble through it and come to an understanding.
I'm a bit torn on that. I wish we could have seen the early parts where they're struggling to get comfortable with each other (plus, you know, hilarious ass grabbage), but much of that ground was already covered earlier in the chapter and I don't think there was enough space to give it a proper telling. Maybe an x.5 chapter later could fill in the gap for laughs, but it's not a necessary part of the main story. Sometimes economy is the right choice when it comes to storytelling and I think the author (and editor, most likely) came to that correct conclusion here.
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