I made an account just to comment. I'm a psychological and angst veteran, but this messed up story just shoots me straight into the abyss by how hauntingly real it is. True horror is when you realize it can very well be what happens right next to you and you would never know. Not sure if I would ever recommend this to anyone or reread it ever - it's destructive, frustrating, nauseating and brilliantly told. I usually don't bat an eyelash consuming this kind of genre, but this made me take several breaks in between to regain myself. I'm a little scared, regretful and relieved as we seem to be reaching the finale soon. Yeah this manga certainly made me feel Things. Just hope the author pushed through to the end on a steady pace (it seemed to go on hiatus for a long while and author's SNS were all wiped) and the translators wouldn't drop it. It's one of those stories that I really really wish to see a proper end to it.