Kekkaishi e no Tensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

Dex-chan lover
Nov 4, 2019
Eww welp, if the spoilers are real then imma yeet this. The cringe.
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018

it's both confusing and stupidly simple. It's one of those setups in isekai where anyone who is questioning the monarchy is either naive or malicious/manipulative/power hungry. Problem is, they make one single point that's the foundation of their stance, that people should be able to get into positions and work according to their ability and not birthright, and that one point is so obviously true that, when they drop tropey hints that they're all wrong, it feels confusing.

So, characters say "ability should matter more than bloodline in our government", but it's an isekai and the mc didn't say it so they are bad because of some bizarre interpretation of GLORIOUS NIPON MORALITY the author has which bars the natives from organically advancing as a society by challenging those in power and questioning if they have that right and ignoring violence nobles deliver upon common people and disadvantaged groups so that the mc never has to witness violence being returned to the powerful. The author will then congratulate themselves on their wisdom and civility before they proceed to jack off to a moe Oda Nobunaga. (That's not fair, I'd jack it to Lightning from FF13 even though she disgusts me as a character. Snow was honestly one of the 3 smartest characters in that game along with the cowardly black stereotype and the yuri cloud cluckcloolander. Not saying much really.)

It's isekai shit where the author and mc are going to talk down about a position most everyone agrees with to make the mc seem smart but their argument will fall apart with the slightest scrutiny and you are probably confused because you're watching this all piece together and can feel that it's just out of sync already.
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2019
@ainz536 oohh.... i dont know if the princess is unlucky or lucky, its her fault that the king chooses a rat as a teacher... at least im up for executing the corrupt "nobles". They are just a poisonous cancer, like most politicians in our sorry excuse of world
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
So she's a greenhouse flower being used as a stupid tool. And she's jumping into that head first. Very cliche, lol.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

If you are talking about ainz536 spoilers then...

there is more too it than that.
But it's not wrong.
Active member
Dec 9, 2018
Thanks for the update, please continue translating this manga really love it. Thank you translators can't wait for the next update.
Jun 19, 2019
i dont think 'that' is intelligent, maybe book smart, only "smart" to the extent in books and exams

like me lol
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2020
I wouldn't be surprised if her imperial 'aid' would eventually... Shooter in the back.
Active member
Aug 15, 2020
she's being taken advantage of 100%, shooter is abusing his position and the princess' naivety to overthrow the royal family, by putting them against the commoners and the other nobles
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@yuzuyuzu @panch_magic Can you guys explain how exactly she's being book smart but not street smart here? I haven't paying that much attention to this manga, but like none of the actions in this chapter seem that dumb to me.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@Meridis I feel like this is the answer. Author is portraying an obviously good claim (valuing competency over rank) as bad and most everybody in the comments ironically displays their naivety by taking the author's words at face value and calling the characters naive for believing said good claim. Again, though, I haven't been following along much (since it has good art but very poor writing), so maybe I'm missing some context.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2019
So a caged bird with daddy issues that's super easy to manipulate is the princess... well then even with all her knowledge she this naive and impressionable/easily influenced :/
Jun 19, 2019
she's only studying from books and texts in a class with her tutor, which is something i define as book smart, because it is realistically not applicable in real life. how many theories in books (maths physics, or even history, political issues, government system) have we learnt at school and used irl? I dont mean to brag, but if it's only to the extent of answering questions on exam regarding things i've studied and memorised, i can do it well.

But im very dumb "street"- wise. no matter how perfect i know about science, politics and government, theories will stay as theories, history as history. the only way to really master the subject is to directly involve myself in the scene. for example, a "stupid" person academically, would have more insight and wisdom in dealing with REAL world problems, not just theories that happen in book. Me, for instance, my mind immediately goes blank during times like that. have you ever heard of the saying A grade student will work under C grade students?

i think this is quite similar to her, because she doesnt truly "understand" and master the materials she've learnt. and i dont blame her for that, it's not her fault.

she might know the political trends and such, but she may not realise and really know what actions to take to influence the trend, instead, only following the theories she learnt at class, which most probably will not work all the time. the problem would be her lacking the wisdom and insight to know what wise action to take, instead of "logical" ones, cos the reality is even stranger than fiction.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@yuzuyuzu The platitudes about education not mattering are wrong more often than not, but I'm not here to argue about which type of "smarts" is important. All you did was explain the terms to me, lol. I'm not asking for the definition, just asking what actions of hers were dumb. What did she do that showed a lack of street smarts?

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