Actually, I'm having Imanity Scans translate this series. I've already paid to have the 1st volume translated, and if you are interested in seeing more translated chapters, then you can get in touch with me on my discord account(if you have one): Discord: EvanR1991#6172 Email Address: I need help with paying for the other 3 volumes that are out, and there is a 5th volume on it's way that will be released this early spring! I'll give you more details on who to get into contact with at Imanity Scans and how much you'll have to pay based on the number of people who get into contact with me using the 2 methods above... Also you can create a discord account at this site: If you email me put into the subject a message with the words:"Kemono Giga" in it. For those of you who help I can provide a website where you can view 4 volumes worth of raw chapters for free.
If you want to get into contact with the Boss/Leader of Imanity Scans directly and talk about the commission details, you can contact/leave a message on his discord account: hyrule13#7800. If you don't have a discord account, you can send him an email at or this 1: