Have we seen Kon ever use either flame or illusion, discounting human transformation which seems to be the single most common Kemono skill? Given these guys, how Lady Inari didn't immediately discard Kon as "useless" becomes ever more suspect (not to knock on Kon, but Lady Inari is a horrible person and Kon is totally outclassed by every other example of her species that we've seen.) I guess maybe blind loyalty might count for something?
@CMOT Ah, so she did; I guess it's just been a while since she was a combatant. She didn't make a poor showing of ability either, just of judgement, composure, or anything to do with Lady Inari. 😅
Damn. Shiki really making good use of the training with Mihai. But Kabane might have trouble facing an intelligent opponent. Shiki needs to aid him ASAP. @ckt
Thanks for the chapter.
@CLJ5262 lmfao kaede isn't a dude, the artist just has a hard time drawing pec muscles and makes em look like titties. Kaede is referred to as "he" by other chars, and in the author notes. I understand the confusion though, he could totally pass for a short hair chick in a lot of scenes, especially with the way his milkers are drawn....