Kenja no Mago - Vol. 10 Ch. 31

Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I never had any grand expectations for this manga, but anything decent I could have expected from it died with the antagonist's backstory. It was generic and cliche from the get go, but it's abandoned any hope of growth at this point and made clear it's sole purpose is to hit every cliche possible, which is the problem. Voicing negative opinions on this site, unless the series is god awful and even then, is guaranteed to get you negative backlash, so most people just don't say shit. You're never the only one, people just never say shit.

The Japanese anime market is first and foremost a business, so I can't say I'm surprised it's getting an anime due to how popular and sometimes infamous the genre is. It's clear most studios care about money and short term gain over long term growth and renown. If shit like this is getting an adaption while fucking Komi-san and other great manga sit in the cold, it just goes to show how much the market cares for coin over quality. I'm just disappointed that money and effort is being wasted on this shit. It sounds idealistic, but I believe being an artist, author, director or something of the like, shouldn't be a job in a business as much as it should be a passion that pays with a community. Incorporating art is the fastest way to ruin it, the older, bigger and more monetary any artistic community gets helps exemplify that or at least I believe so.
Jul 31, 2018
You know shit like this wouldnt be a problem if Shin just created some type of homing magic missile! Attack everybody who aint an ally.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
MC status: triggered just like few pseudo analysts who can see the future lmao.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Oh look, triggered fanboys who don't like dissenting opinions or tagging people because it'll bring attention onto them.
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2018
@Yautja nothing is more heart warming than a kindred spirit. I fully agree with your statement, but I’ll also say I’m not perfect when it comes to my choices of manga and anime. I also get joy from reading or watching wat some or most ppl wud be considered low IQ or trash but wat I look for is at least cliches done right. I’m not expecting writers to always put out well renowned stuff but when I see manga like this can look like a writer clearly doesn’t care it’s very aggravating. For example “One Punch Man” is as basic as it gets but you can see the creator has a passion for the material and even if it’s uber cliche and wishful fulfillment you can see the effort. This is one of the reasons I more or less stopped reading from the romance genre. When stuff life Domestic no Kanojo stays popular you lose all hope for that genre. I get better quality watching soap operas on midday television.

This manga also sparked my hopes because in the beginning I felt the writer was leaving a decent foundation even if the villain had a cliche back story. But he/she started adding filling the story with romantic hijinks and beach chapters which will probably be all the anime will adapt worth watching it fell off and sadly somewhere down the road the author couldn’t break free from he/she’s abilities I guess and gave us this BS. Then again it reminds of an article I read about a Japanese editor saying how she literally writes her authors story for them so seeing this type of quality of story telling doesn’t surprise me anymore....
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2018
@Yautja yea u called it lol

@Kuroageha lol it’s called being objective you should try it. My manga library is free for all to see to show I have a wide bearth of tastes and far from some elitist. On a personal note I prefer Chinese MCs just due to the more mature, ruthless and cunning nature of MCs and not like this one who will put on a front of being some OP demon lord level character who watches his wife get snatched.

Stories like these are supposed to be wishful fulfillment but the MC does everything you wudnt do. Like imagine if u were this OP you hear someone has impure designs on your wife? Are you just gonna flare up and show your angry or are you gonna find that person and bleed them dry for their villany? I’m not saying MC turn into a psychopathic killer but cmon man it’s a lot better than this garbage. This plot couldn’t be anymore forced than tryna jam a bowling ball up ones ass....
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Hello twin of mine, I definitely do too, I know Eromanga-sensei and Zero no Tsukaima are absolute trash, but I kind of enjoyed them. I could not agree more on the effort aspect. That said, I'd add there's nuance and exceptions to everything, even with effort, there's somethings I'd hate and call garbage regardless of effort, Sensei no Shiroi Uso comes to mind. Perhaps it's the lack of effort that's the problem more than anything else. Specifically when it's combined with an already bad manga. Anyways, there's a line for everything, OPM has a fantastic idea of where that line is and spits on it like a champ. This manga knows where the line is and doesn't care because $$$ or ¥¥¥. SnSU doesn't know where the line is and pretends to know and care.
Active member
Dec 20, 2018
Ah yes the power of love, a power so strong you don't move and watch your loved one get taken away to a fat priest for raping.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 19, 2018
Wow, looking at MC's face I could feel the count to 100 just like in Mob Psycho, and it's reeeally close to breaking point.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2018
nigga can make himself go invisible, shoot beams from the sky, bend space itself, create indestructible robes, destroy mountains, quite literally anything he can imagine. But he never made a barrier or ethereal connection to bind him and his girl together.
Aggregator gang
Jan 22, 2018
The editor did bad job on this arc, fuck this melodrama piece of shit.
It'd be better if they did just like in the WN version. But no, they think it's better if there's drama bullshit like this one.
Mar 22, 2018
I started to read it cuz MC used science in order to improve magic. Now I catch myself on a thought I read yet another naruto shit manga. Time to drop.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
... the author said back then he needs to edit a lot of thing in the published novel, well it seems the story is getting a new content like this one. The actual WN is not so bad (but not great either), but this new content actually made it worse.

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