saving this to my meme folder thanks
And that’s what makes modern isekai super disappointing. Like, how badly does one make an isekai that a rom com has more tension?Not a hard bar to clear tbh
That's what i love the most about this manga, it's not one-sided and she's just as awkward as he is.Thank god Nayu is as dumb as Hikoichi so she didn't take any offense
I imagine it might be more common for a 'stranger' to point out if you have something on your face that can be wiped off/fixed within a few minutes but considering they haven't rly made small talk before hearing "your lips look diff today" would be a bit odd/awkward (tho i have heard anecdotes from 'dumb' guy friends who girls say don't realize that their makeup is 'real'/on like "did you think my eyes naturally have black lines" or whatever/mascara/etc)Hey MC could have went with your lips look different today. Oh wait what's this you have some rice on your cheek. I also like a traditional Japanese breakfast. Less embarrassing for our FMC.