Keyboard based scrolling should be predictable over time and keyboard repeat rate

Keyboard based scrolling should be predictable over time and keyboard repeat rate

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Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Current issue:

Keyboard based scrolling is currently somewhat jittery and based on number of presses/repeats over time. Vertical scroll can currently be overridden, however overriding horizontal scroll cannot be done in a normal manner without potentially bringing other issues along (using
). Currently, well-written code can override this and only pass through on first frame. Ideally, it would be done in an automatic fashion.


TypeScript implementation (complex form). Use keybinds.ts for actual bindings to the internal functions.

const dirs = new Uint8ClampedArray(4);
const _d = new Int32Array(dirs.buffer, dirs.byteOffset, 1);
// init using global `var SCROLL_SPEED = {x: +n, y: +n}`
const dtxy = typeof SCROLL_SPEED === 'object' ? SCROLL_SPEED : {x: 0.84, y: 0.94};
let t0 = 0.0;
let raf = 0;
/** direction, default is anticlockwise starting from bottom (down). */
export const enum Dirs { Down, Right, Up, Left }
const scroller = (T: DOMHighResTimeStamp) => {
	if (_d[0] !== 0) {
		const dt = Math.min(T - t0, 50);
		const dx = (dirs[Dirs.Down] - dirs[Dirs.Up]);// & 0x800000ff;
		const dy = (dirs[Dirs.Right] - dirs[Dirs.Left]);// & 0x800000ff;
		const sc = document.fullscreenElement || document.scrollingElement || document.body;
		sc.scrollBy(dt * dtxy.x * dx, dt * dtxy.y * dy);
		t0 = T;
		raf = requestAnimationFrame(scroller);
	} else raf = 0;

interface TimeStamp { timeStamp: DOMHighResTimeStamp; }
/** scroll loop */
export const scr = <T extends TimeStamp>(e: T, d: Dirs) => {
	raf || (
		raf = requestAnimationFrame(scroller),
		t0 = e.timeStamp
/** decrements the direction */
export const dec = (d: Dirs) => { --dirs[d]; }
/** clears the animation for later use */
export const can = () => {
	_d[0] = raf = 0;
/** set x and y speeds, optionally share state to other tabs */
export function sxy(x: number, y: number, send?: boolean) {
	dtxy.x = Math.abs(x);
	dtxy.y = Math.abs(y);
	if (send) bc.postMessage([dtxy.x, dtxy.y]);
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', can);

const bc = new BroadcastChannel('scroll-speeds');
bc.onmessage = e => sxy([0],[1]);

The above implementations achieve three goals:[ul][*]Scroll is time-based, rather than jump/repeat based[/*][*]Composable and option based[/*][*]Does not add a spin loop if it's not in use[/*][/ul]Additionally, it holds state across multiple tabs, and always closes/cancels its requests when changing tabs/windows in order to avoid memory leaks in js.

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