Well there are prostitutes who don't allow kissing after allHand holding is for true love, way more embarrassing than prostitution
In case you forgot, go back to Chapter 1. There is probably mostly bad shit in their future.Please don't have that ex start feeling jealous and trying to get Hiroshi back. That will lead to bad shit.
Rule 1 of manhood: Don't stick your dick in crazy.why didn't he just bang her while he was hard in the bath? losing your erection with a girl is grim. You need to overwrite that asap. If you go to a hotel and sleep overnight with your gf and try to have sex but fail to have sex at all, that's a bad thing. He could have fixed everything if he had just banged her. Now they're in a weird, destructive state where the they have some of the pairbonding of sleeping and cuddling next to each other but their bodies aren't actually connected. it's just going to make things weird for them.
Mark my words, everything bad that happens from now on could have been avoided if Hiroshi had had sex while he was turned on in the bath.
except his shoulder being messed up.
You know for a fact she already has. That what was foreshadowed.Please don't have that ex start feeling jealous and trying to get Hiroshi back. That will lead to bad shit.
Especially if she has BPDRule 1 of manhood: Don't stick your dick in crazy.