Kimi ni Aisarete Itakatta

Apr 23, 2018
Was curious whether this manga was still the same kind of shock-tragedy I thought it was, and turns out that yes it is.

Tragedy is like horror, where if you only have things spiralling downwards and inundated with jumpscares/stuff meant to shock the reader, you'll eventually desensitize them since they'll learn that there's no real point hoping things will get better. It can work for a oneshot, but the longer it drags on the more boring it is.
Mar 7, 2018
@Funkel Your comment really is adorable, people seems to hate shining knights and happy endings nowadays.


Jul 6, 2019
I honestly don't know what to think about this. I came here looking for light hearted comedy or wholesome romance manga but I still read 16 chapters of this. The manga is interesting. It really makes me want to find out what happened. It's rather oppressive to read though, near the ending I found myself glancing trough this quickly just to get to the ending and the resolution, rather than enjoying this, if there is anything to be enjoyed here.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I'd actually argue the opposite. I think the story is very tight and doesn't have very many plot holes and clearly explains character motivations, all of which contribute to the great themes of the work, such how peer pressure and a lack of empathy can destroy people's lives and how no one is ever completely justified as clearly right or wrong, as each of the characters commits atrocities from that they proceed to try and justify to themselves or regret having.


I'd actually argue that the Main Character is Hiroshi and that Kanae is just the focal point more or less, but I think the author definitely pictures that as a moral event horizon of sorts. Her worldview is twisted because of her mental health issues clouding her judgment mixed with her limited exposure to people with strong moral foundations like Hiroshi, and so her perceptions of what justice is and what is right and wrong are based on those around her, which are primarily pedophiles, rapists, abusers, and people in prostitution. She's a complex character and I think that scene is one of the most pivotal for the entire work as it kind of inverts the perspective.

Up until that point, we all condemned Ichika for bullying Kanae and hoped she faced some kind of justice or penance for her actions. No one could sympathize with her and we all wanted Kanae to overcome her bullying, but just because you're a victim doesn't mean you're in the right necessarily, and so what she does in response flips the way the audience views the two of them, as suddenly we're sympathetic to Ichika, a character we detested, and are detesting Kanae, a character we sympathized with.

This doesn't even begin to talk about how Narumi's arc fits into this, as the woman he loves was pressuring him to participate in a gang rape he's clearly uncomfortable with and doesn't want to do, but undergoes because of the people around him and the fact he wants her to get out of that mindset. And so when she tells him that she loves Hiroshi, it destroys him and he has to live with all the guilt of the horrible things he's done for her and all the terrible experiences he's put himself through.

It's actual such a foundational moment for the story that I don't think there was a better way to do it, as fucked up as that may sound.


I think that's a very surface-level reading of what's going on here, as there's a lot of moving parts to this story based on how each person is characterized and how they justify their actions both to themselves and their rationale for them. If it was just meant to be shock-tragedy with ever-increasing odds, I don't think the author would be as detailed as she is in her characterization of everyone and exploration of things like mental health and what it takes to make good people to do bad things.


I think that's quite similar to what the general reaction is. It's kind of like a lot of tragedies in the fact it's more about the characters and how they develop than the story itself, as we know how its going to end due to the beginning of the manga literally opening with it. I actually think that's good story-telling as other works like Oedipus Rex and most of Shakespeare's plays work off the fact the audience knows what's going to happen and how this will end to build suspense within the audience and have us focus primarily on characters and themes.

Jun 2, 2019
@Tamerlane I do personally no longer care for Mc, I can't sympathize with her anymore, the reaction of Ichika felt very realistic for me and I care for her now, I acknowledge how a piece of shit she was in the past.
I don't know what is to debate about my own personal feelings.
I think it was a great Idea to put Mc's death at the very start, even tho at the start I was not convinced by that idea, as a way to attract people, even the ones who no longer care for her, as to how a sweet boy ended up killing her.

I do believe there are certain points in which good people end up doing bad things, most of the time these things are out of the moment, or bad things that at the end are beneficial for others, there is remorse, in this case, I can't agree that was it, this was carefully planned and was done with lots of malice instead of a heart wanting justice, I can't be considerate her to be a good person who made a bad decision.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I want to clarify here that I'm not saying I agree or disagree with the character's actions per se, but that each of the characters could argue that they were justified through their prospective.

Naturally, I believe what Kanae was wrong but, in her conceptualization and through her experience, she believed she was justified. We both can condemn her, but it won't matter if we don't understand why she did what she did and what lead her up to that point in both her life and character.

It's less of a debate of how both of us feel subjectively and more creating a complex analysis of the characters and the work as a whole by trying to see what makes them tick, what drives them, and why they take the actions they do.

I think that's what makes Kanae such an interesting character is that she's not just a victim, nor does she just take it, but she actively does things that make sense that she would do from both a character and in-universe perspective. And what makes her more interesting is not only does she want to be a good person, but she thinks that by doing what she does, she is actually improving herself and her life, which in a sense, she is right, but at the cost of others. And, to her, that cost is worth it because those people had not only wronged her, but wronged others and needed to see what it was like to be victimized. This isn't my prospective, but it would be how she would argue her case, and there is truth to say she is something of an anti-villain or anti-hero if you were to try and pin-point her.
Active member
Mar 11, 2020
I really love other works of this author. This one is a little bit too normie friendly for my taste.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
The author is pretty woman in twenties. I know her since her previous works in hentai about a money leeching new mother tossing out by her husband and become drug addict and her daughter's life become miserable.

There used to be her photo (without face) when her first Twitter account wasn't taken down.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Thanks. I tried to justify my prospective the best I could, though I do think this manga is more contentious than others considering how dark it is, and most people will reject it on the face of it. I can understand if someone doesn't like it for those reasons, but I don't think it makes the manga objectively bad. @MajorAlexJackson

Unrelated, but apparently Harem_Sovereign is banned now...I wonder what he/she did...
Power Uploader
Sep 5, 2019
I keep being surprised that people are always surprised that the auctors of edgy, smutty psychological thrillers are female — I read a lot of this and in the overwhelming majority of cases, the auctor is female. It would have been more unusual for the auctor to be male in the same way that there aren' t many male boy's love auctors.

In fact, as far as English novels go, I heard that many male auctors that auctor psychological thrillers do so under a female pseudonym, because most auctors in the genre are female and it thus serves to sell more.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
Oh hey, I recognize that artist! Wait why do I recognize that artist... Oh no...
This was basically my experience 20 seconds in the first chapter.

This is basically just a tamed down doujin of her... Yes, this thing can be considered as "tame" compared to her main works...
If you've seen her doujin before, you know where this thing will go...
If you hate ryona or rape then boy is this artist your mortal enemy cause that's all she does !

Even Nanashi had his softcore vanilla period but this artist ? The tamest thing she's done is a jojo gender bender doujin...
Sometimes I actually wonder if she had a certain trauma regarding high school girls because they are always the bullies in his stories...

Edit : I learned that shiruka bakaudon was actually a woman so I changed the pronouns.
Power Uploader
Sep 5, 2019
@Tsukinotaku clearly you do not appreciate the sheer amount of culture reflected in this and the auctor's other work.

This auctor speaks to me, t.f.w. you will never have your limbs blown off in an explosion and being repeatedly raped by your ugly sibling — feelsbadman.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
@trapsarebetter The author's culture is one I'm used to anyway and the fact that you did not mention the two brats burning alive some homeless man's dog and being punished by being gang-raped by a bunch of dirty disease-riddled homeless men shows that you're the one laking culture.

Thought the one you have to mention is the one where this girl was stalked and raped by some mentally retarded kid and they couldn't sue him or his family since the mentally ill people can't be prosecuted by the law...

Edit 1 : Oh I also remember this one where some woman's kid was kidnapped by her ex just to be tortured and raped, the dude video chat the whole thing and made the mother and her husband watch the whole pitiful thing.

Edit 2 : So my point is, that authors might actually be one the most hated doujin author out there. Nanashi is softcore compared to her...

Edit 3 : Oh yeah, fun fact, that gruesome artist is actually a cute girl, interesting right? Such messed up doujins were actually made by a nice looking girl lol
Just for the curious one :
Apr 22, 2020
@Tsukinotaku you said something about a doujin.... Does she have the same pen name or is it another one, Can you tell me her pen name for her OffBrand work.

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