Hell yes.

That triad balances nicely, everyone has ties, communication is strong, and it would even be able to fall apart in a healthy way. All three have been shown to not be jealous of the other pairing, but they all would be lonely without each other or being excluded. The only jealous personality is Hoshimi and she has long turned that fury towards interlopers... That's the major threat to a poly relationship gone. It'll probably be a healthy relationship that grows stronger because Shijou acts plenty queer and it will be interesting to see how she processes open flirting. With her bf or gf. And no weird or creepy power dynamic! With the half-mutual interests there was no tidy solution. Other than ▽.
This seems to have been the plan all along. I'm so glad I randomly picked this up to binge-read today.
The issue with the saphic subplot was that Fushimi felt like a loser and could (and with most authors would) let her feelings fade or do nothing until it's too late. Her crushing on Sho could have been handled far worse. This looks like we're starting an arc about Fushimi and Shijou finally dropping their walls instead of just repeatedly thinking how the other is attractive... Finally.
No matter how much saphic appreciation was in this series, I didn't trust it. That's even with it having a
Girl's Love tag when I just started it today. Not just straight romance but many yuri from class S to present have the girls somehow grow out of it. Some are tragedies some are cute-pattern propaganda with very dark messages. When a story has this much... call it gay vibes or oxytocin or eye-banging... without taking a step for long-term gayness it's usually a red flag.

At the very least it ends up fluff, usually a bit dismissively or titiliating in an sliiiightly othering way.
But Rimukoro-sensei didn't build this with a harem or titilating focus that treated the saphic parts as lesser than. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea and nothing Shijo is mindful of, but well realized and with enough focus that I would have seen it as bloat if this story didn't address it up front. Very nice.
Now that Fushimi isn't being such a loser I think I'll be happy even if the poly doesn't work out.