#1) Japan's neck nape fetish is weird.
#2) It's hilarious that the country that gave us "the moon is beautiful" as a literary substitute for saying "I love you" because the latter was deemed to direct and being so blunt with your feelings was considered gauche and has their entire language built on a densely stratified and multi-faceted form of interaction that takes it as a point of pride to almost never say something directly when you can dance around the topic and expect the other person to figure it out is going to sit there and say it's "bizarre" that confessions don't exist the same way in the west and that they express their feelings through actions and signals instead of straightforward words.
#3) the "let's go by Japanese style dating rules" as a direct response to suggesting that they not see other people makes it sound like everywhere else is a free-for-all orgy where everyone just screws around until they settle down with someone. Most people I know are the types that if they found out a new partner was still seeing other people even in the very opening stages of a potential relationship would probably dump that person and move on. There's no "open" trial period before you start dating unless you're a player/cad, and I've read enough manga to know those types exist in Japanese media too.
We're at 6 chapters and I'm still not 100% sure what I think of this series. It annoys the hell out of me in some places but I still keep on reading it.