Kingdom - Vol. 61 Ch. 667 - Three Days Later

Apr 1, 2019
I dont know why, but this is a sad duel for me. I just wish it turn out all right.

I know one of them must die.
Apr 25, 2018
Have y’all realized that Shin has gotten much wiser and observant? The character development is amazing. He is becoming such a man like wow 😳 😍
Mar 7, 2019
Hmmm, the so-called Duel In The Abyss will gotta answer the questions that we had from where Kyourei debuts. Or maybe more about the Shiyuu tribe. This is going to be interesting.
Based from everything we acquired from Kyoukai-centric chapters, I could tell that Kyourei wasn't really evil, she's just....a misunderstood soul. Just like what Kyoukai revealed on previous chapter, Kyourei became insane after ritual battle against her childhood friend Shiki( which ends with Shiki dead). I have some theories about Kyourei:
- Kyourei refused to fight, let alone kill Shiki on ritual battle. The latter was like her own sister, they're really close. I was like, "How the barnacle you have to kill your own loved ones, unless they're pure evil?" But the elders forced her to do so, otherwise face the greater consequences.
- As seen on flashback, we learned that Kyourei won't let anybody taught her except Shiki and old lady( the tribe's elder maybe?). I think Kyourei has trust issues here, probably she was abandoned by her own family then was taken care by Shiki's family I guess.
Until now, we don't really know what was on Kyourei's mind except killing Kyoukai. Maybe next chapters will shed some light, can't wait for the next updates. Oh, and happy 10th!! Looking forward for more from thee hohoho
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2018
I wanna bet that the winner will be
but this is too easy, I'm canceling the bet
Nov 25, 2020
You mean the Kingdom where generals punch horses into submission or routinely cleave a dozen armored men with a single strike? Arguably the second feat is crazier than slicing a boulder, given that the metal armor is harder than stone and attached to soft targets that would move to deflect force from the strike. The action has been standard shonen 'prestige=power regardless of build' faire since before Ouki died, don't pretend you read this for the realism or historical accuracy.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
@Casual0bserver At the very start of the manga it was alright, but you are right, once Ouki and Houken got introduced everyone was suddenly some super-powered demigod
Mar 18, 2020
@Casual0bserver Those were most likely bronze armor which were also thin enough to be useable, and while the human body can move to absorb some of the force from the strike, they are also soft and much easier to cut through than a solid boulder (apparently people test their blades on pig carcasses, which to a degree simulates the human body, not boulders). The sheer volume of that boulder leads me to believe cutting through it is more implausible than slicing through a dozen men clad in bronze armor. I also have to partially disagree with your 'prestige=power regardless of build' argument, as while the manga clearly doesn't focus on realism, (and no one in their right mind reads this manga for that) someone like Ouki or Houken slicing through whole infantry squads is still more "believable" than a little girl with a sword cutting a boulder in half. The generals have the appearance characteristics that tell the reader that they are inhumanly strong (muscles, height, weapon size) while Rei and Kyoukai do not. There is a limit to the suspension of disbelief, and Rei just stepped over it.
Nov 25, 2020
Prestige was probably the wrong word to use, I was aiming more in the vein of 'significance'. The more relevant a character is to the current story the more powerful they are/become in relation to everyone else. This is how a character introduced in chapter 600 can be stronger than any foe up to that point, even though the new character has comparable feats to enemies defeated 300 chapters ago. Admittedly the author has done a better job here by not making Shin succeed at everything on the first try or making many his successes simply survival rather than victory, but the power-related hand-waving when introducing new characters is still pretty apparent.

In terms of simple physics you may also be correct about the armor vs boulder argument, meaning that if 'Power' is equivalent specifically to 'Strength' rather than 'Ability to Slice Objects' you are correct. A general built like 3 oxen stuck together with gorilla glue is more likely to have enough 'Strength' to cleave 12 armored individuals than a small girl is to slice a boulder. But if it's possible to apply enough technique, speed, precision, and lesser amount of power required to make your weapon into 'something that can cut any object regardless of hardness', this feat is less likely to be repeatable 12 times in rapid succession. I feel that many of the feats we see are somewhere between these two definitions of 'Power', with the blunt-weapon generals and the Shiyuu representing the extremes of both ends. I don't see the boulder slice as any less believable than a club going THROUGH multiple people like a baseball bat through birthday cake, as we've seen sevral times. Both ruin my immersion, but the last time I read Kingdom to be immersed Shin was still figuring out how a sword works.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 19, 2023
It's gonna be hard for me because I'm curious as to how long people will continue to bitch and moan about realism until they get tired but I'm probably just gonna stop reading the comments here and I recommend everyone with half a brain do so aswell kingdom readers fucking love spoilers and complaining about realism I really have no idea how they wake up every day and resist ending themselves it must be so miserable being them

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