Kiryuu-sensei wa Renai ga Wakaranai.

Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
Wow wow, don't speak it out loud. They can't handle the truth
Jan 19, 2019
Whoa. This manga is crazy insightful with the societal issues it addresses. I honestly had ZERO expectations omfg... The blurb and cover makes it seem like the typical cheesy setup but it's giving out ideas that you'd definitely be hard-pressed to find mentioned anywhere, and with such honesty, in manga in general. It's also funny af lol
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
I just found this manga and man I love it so much. Actually insightful but also funny in a good way at some part. I would like to see the continuation, but too bad it's been AGES since it's last updated... T_T
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2018
If someone could pick this up that'd be swell, we always need more aro/ace characters
Feb 15, 2019
Came expecting yet another demi protagonist, was surprised to see the author genuinely talking about sexuality and gender. If it ever continued I wouldn't be shocked to see her eventually fall in love given the general plot, but it's really nice nonetheless.

(Note: I have absolutely nothing against demiromantic or demisexual people and I absolutely believe they belong in the aro and ace communities, I'm just really tired of characters who're written aro or ace as a buildup to a later romantic subplot)
Group Leader
May 2, 2020
Just in case you’re wondering @snakeegg because I was worried about the same thing

the MC does identify as aro/ace and she doesn’t end up with a romantic relationship in the end. I read the raws a while ago but iirc she ends up with a platonic poly relationship with both of them
Oct 3, 2020
This is so genuinely good and I am so glad for the translator for picking this up. Hopefully they continue because I want to know what happens next and what topics they'll talk about next. It is so good and very different from what I originally expected.
Aug 28, 2020
@Mngtr Platonic poly relationship is like they support each other and care for each other but is not romantically or sexually entwined with each other right??? Daamnn... this is interesting. Imma put this in my notes for now.
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2020
man i always see the old cover and go "oh and that looks cool" then i open it and see this shit again. Man I wish they gave you an option to block series from popping up
Apr 22, 2020
We cased on the helpful spoilers I can save my fellow queer and questioning folks from the spoiler by answering the obvious question; No she really is aro/ace and it’s not just for set it now the spoilery bit (but toned down
She does not “fall in love” not romantically anyway, according to the spoilers I read
Oct 3, 2020
I love this manga about an asexual mc. It isn't saying stuff like "I never knew how to love". And how she's trying to explore stuff and being open about her opinions on things that are usually just used as traps.
Apr 24, 2020
I understand that she's trying to break some status quo by forcing some of her ideology over the readers. And that's okay but milking the stuff over the period of half of the chapter isn't helping anyone support it more. At first the straight forward way of clearing up the lonely mysterious mc drama seemed cool but the way the manga went on turned boring.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
This is the aro ace manga i was looking for.

MC mangaka is an insecure, but aggresively opinionated person. Being left out made her question her own worth, and it also made her more aware of the problems with society. She realizes the fact that the majority will never care about minority issues as much as the people who are directly involved with the issues (the minorities themselves and the people who care about them). But she also knows that she is influenced by the majority opinions, and it heightens her insecurities. I am personally more secure in my identity as an aroace, but this really emphasizes the doubts that I will always have.

One of the doubts is particular heart wrenching; those who 'lack' something that the majority posses will have a harder time communicating their peers in life. Romantic love is something alloromantics (not aromantics) take for granted when making connections in conversation.

Kiryu's attitude about trying her best to fall in love is an experience that is common among aromantics who had not learn of the label yet; however, even after she knows about it, at least the way japanese lgbt culture talk about the a-spectrum, she continues to chase after her ideal of love, romantic love, to write her harem manga. But part of her movivation is fueled by her insecurity in belonging.

When she deals with Kitamura's confession by dating him, she feels guilt about using him to experiment, even though she is super accomodating to his agressive advances. As she begins to feel what I will call platonic love and affection, she gets stuck in the relatable thought of not being good enough to reciprocate the same love that Kitamura has toward her, which is romantic in nature.

With how relateable this manga is to me, it will definitely come off as boring to most. I wish for more people to be thoughtful and open minded when going through the sea of media we live in. When I read things that don't match my own experiences, I still try to take on the challenge of making my own understanding of it. The overshadowing of the manga is practically inevitable, but those who come across it can take their own meaning from it; its the same as anything in life. Nobody has the exact same experiences, so when things like this come up, its so sad that some people don't have the capacity to read something different.

ace by angela chen-One of the books I recently read and is a really good conversation on how aspect peoples' unconventional views on sex and romance add to its conversation .

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