Dude, just discard the glasses chick, it's not like she was your romantic interest in the first place.
Also, she's just a sore loser, I mean she only took action AFTER another chick won the man.
Man all this apparent backstory with Dragon Wife is really interesting and probably the sort of Backstory that probably should have had its own chapter (or 2 or 3) to fully explore it and allow their first meeting to actually be an Interaction of some sort and also to allow their feelings to develop over a decent period of time like actual feelings in actual real life rather than being hilariously forced resulting in Dragon Wife apparently either falling madly in love from just seeing him smile once or just from being vaguely near him for, what, 3 days or so?
It's like the Author heard all of us whining about slowly paced Mangas that don't get any development for 802935092+ Chapters and was like "Guess I'll just cram everything into 7 chapters".
Also Glasses Girl should not be a part of the story at this early point in their relationship.
Uh. I'm not sure what the argument is about. He has kids, and is the only one who can feed them. What is the other girl expecting him to do? Abandon the kids so that they'll starve to death?
As cute as having the babies sleep between them is in this manga, don't do it IRL, it's dangerous. Just buy a crib.
Just a PSA in case you degens ever decide to breed (please don't).