@undulant Pushing back the marriage is not always something that means you are a piece of trash. There is no denial he is a bastard. We know why he did it, but if this was because he wasnt sure of her feelings, then things would totally make sense, but would be too controversial to showcase the fact she is such a easy women. "she was actually looking forward to their marriage " yh engaged women going at night clubs drinkings with stragers, nothing worng with that ? What could possible go wrong ?
"The lady accepted a drink after being pressured heavily by some dude" ?? heavily ? After she refused, he went to the 'emotional distress' plan, and the girl accepts it. " Oh no, a man in distress, got to look after him, he is as weak as I am now"
dumb can she be ?
Even with all that, again,the fiancé is way worse. But hey, at least he did marry cheating material. She is so easily convinced, every man on the night club could go with her if they show emotional distress.
@Askorti Could say similar text as the above, so basically a engaged woman can go into night clubs dirnking with strangers, without the fiancé knowing ?
Yh, its not like IRL bad stuff happens to girls in night clubs. Im pretty sure we are not from the same culture, so I will try not to judge, but bar (but most of the time night club) plan is
get sex easy plan , that the purpose of those places. IF you (boy or girl) start having drinks with someone and get close, something is bound to happen, not 100% but high chance.
"it would've (most likely) ended on having a drink or two, a chat, and going their separate ways." Whats this ? MyLittlePoney ? Yh and then they become best friends and its so cute right ?
But its all fiancé fault !! (?) "fiancee's neglect and the need for emotional support."
So, having a dispute with your partner justify her actions ? She imediatly accepted that guy when he said "Im in some pretty low spirits
myself" (note: that myslef could hint that he knew she wasnt all good herself, so he tried to sympathise with her by making them having a common problem - or emotional problem).
Rape attemps dont happens only in bar or night clubs, she could get assaulted anywhere outside, so thats not the point. If anything, the fact that she accepted the drink only make things easier for the plan to work, since she is so
cough cough ...
Sadly this arc with stupid side characters will be long, Im just here for the main pair fluffy moments.
this arc summary is just - begone thot (fiancée) and stupid fiancé