Knight Run - Vol. 4 Ch. 214 - Knight Fall - Part 18 | Rise

Sep 2, 2018
Thanks for the chapter, you never fail to deliver us hopes and dreams ;)
What an epic comeback~!
Sep 2, 2018
@Teruru As in "The town where you are", it wouldn't be Knight Run otherwise.
There will be no happy ending ...but hasn't all start with one small prayer?
Double-page supporter
Mar 21, 2019
Chapters like this is the thing why I read this story. Chapters with the crippling despair just provide the lows on the emotional rollercoaster. :D
Dec 28, 2018
This story is really awesome with its actions, tragedies, dramas, and story archs makes this well worth the read since i started reading it. by the way, is any one gonna try and update the wikia of Knight Run any time soon?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I understand Dry's point, but the guy is crushing humanity's spirit for the sake of protecting it. It is such an oxymoron that i dont understand how he can't see its failings.

I could see all the "nobles" thing going on the wrong course, but Dry has nobles too and they are a bunch of assholes and the ones with Leah at least have some humility and they practically dedicated their whole lives fighting for humanity in the worst of conditions, and more than anything at least they aren't crushing people under their foot so that they follow them, so if things stay like this i will root for Leah.

Anne, Leah, and Dry are all part of a greater whole, unfortunately, two of those are too prideful to understand that and Anne is just too tired and weakened to go against these two monsters.

As always i am so thankful that you are doing this series, there is no chapter that doesn't demonstrate how much work you put doing this, thank you.
Apr 10, 2018
@alacaelum An emotional argument with not a shred of fact or logic. Humanity's spirit? The only people with a problem with Dry's system are those who resent the square objects, but objectively speaking Dry's system is very effective. It was only a few chapters ago that that black shark attempted to escape the planet and if it had succeeded it would've cost humans at least a planet. No world is worth others. Stick to the math.

Wow. Character is your defense? Just because Dry's underlings look down on Leah's gang is no reason to label them the bad guys. Don't forget that under Dry's AL, they put down most of Prey's anti-knight beasts and brought much needed order and protection to the intergalactic community. Their contributions are no less than Leah and co.

If you think they're prideful, then you have not understood a thing. Dry and Anne are fighting for what's best for humanity's survival. Leah is fighting for her "honor." She's fighting for a bygone era, an order that's already collapsed, and a status quo that galaxy has already moved beyond. Her struggle isn't going to help anyone. Most of governments have already accepted Dry's AL. If Leah attempts to reform the Knight Order, it'll cause those governments to hesitate and bicker. The infighting would make them vulnerable to the beasts and cause even more casualties.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
@bakato I didn't call them the bad guys, i called them assholes.

And yes my argument is emotional, i am not trying to be practical, Dry method is right and wrong. He doesn't care for people's cooperation just compliance, which as a leader it is an option.

The two i called prideful are Dry and Leah, and i mean with it is that they are INCREDIBLY hardheaded. Anne is trying to be the voice of reason.

And i dont think Leah is "right", i just dont like the way Dry is doing things, dont mistake me for someone that can't be practical my friend, i know that survival and in many other aspect people need to be ruthless and trying to appease everyone is not only impossible but a stupid idea. But Dry isnt trying to be completely practical, he is pretty much moved by his emotions too, he is hellbent in his methods and this is something he always has been.

I side with Leah because i dont like Dry way, but the only one i truly think has the right idea is Anne, but unfortunately, she is really weak now.

About the whole "bygone system" that Leah defends, i dont think it is so bygone, it has taken a walloping that i dont think will ever recover but i dont think Leah is stupid to the point where she will just repeat the past, and Dry isnt exactly only looking at the future, remember that many of his generals are "cold heroes" and many of them are proving to be major assholes, one of them left master Khan to die because his little pride was hurt and the other called Khan talentless because he could survive being cowardly bombarded from space when he was trying to save peoples lives... people from their said might i add.

And just to say, any argument that doesn't have emotion behind it... isnt an argument, people are made of emotions, objective thinking doesn't kill the emotions behind it, it just directs it in a better way, but we all have the right to react how we want.

You agree with Dry, i won't say no to that... they are just fiction in the end... maybe one-day humanity will reach all this shit XD.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2019
Im with alacaelum here, none of the 2 are villains but Dry and the AL are clearly the assholes here. Dry is literally playing numbers game with entire planets here and justifies oppression and potential genocide (Because god forbid you have AG renmants on your planet). Sure, Dry is on the side of hard logic and facts, but human sentient beings arent about hard logic either, and honestly shoudnt be lest we weed out impaired and weak humans (Something Dry alluded to in past chapter mind you). Leah is perfectly justified in resisting an forceful assimilation and especially in holding onto values like the honor of the order, because that was what drove humans, superhuman and normal humans alike, to unite under a common enemy. Honor in general is what prevents the strong from stomping on the weak.
Apr 10, 2018
@alacaelum Those people have no intention of complying to begin with.

No, they aren't and no she's not. What Dry is trying to accomplish is not something that can be compromised on and what Leah's fighting for is her very identity. Anne is not trying to be the voice of reason because there is no reason for there NOT to be a conflict.

There are certainly personal motives at work with Dry, but make no mistake his methods are practical and in no way compromised by his emotions. Anne never even tried to talk Dry out of it because she can't think of a better alternative, which is why she went to Leah and not Dry.

And Leah's way is any better? In fact, what is her way? Despite her words, Leah isn't fighting for humanity. If anything, her resistance will only cost humanity worlds for no hope of order, unity, or survival. She has no plan.

Even Anne was critical of the Knight Order. Now that it's gone by no fault of theirs, they might as well take the opportunity to build something better in its place. Is there something else Dry is looking at? If you judge people solely by their words and completely ignore their actions then this arc is gonna be wasted on you. Maybe you missed the fact that by this point, the AL and Knight Order remnants were enemies. Why would Diorasis save Khan? Did you just skip chapter 212? If Diorasis was that petty then he would've killed Khan himself. His sister said she would've and asked him why he let Khan go. The primary objective of this conflict was to secure Avalon, which was Khan's mission to seal away. Despite knowing this as he should also have been aware that Khan has a technique to turn himself into a puppet on death to survive the bombardment, he didn't kill Khan. This was his respect to his enemy's resolve. Besides, he knew Dike was guarding the place and Khan didn't stand a chance. In light of all this, killing Khan would've been petty. As for Dike, that's just standard trash talk. Dude, they KILLED Khan, who was practically a father to her, and this is just the beginning. They're going to kill her and her comrades. This is WAR.

And emotions make you right? These characters aren't children. They know better than to let their personal feelings keep them from doing what is correct.

@Rashalom Numbers are the only way to be fair to people because it means you treat them equally. Any other way means saying one life is worth several others and that's just not fair. A single beast like that black shark could cost humanity at least a planet. Pray's brand of beasts evolve quickly and are capable of far greater destruction than any beast so far. When Dry said they would cull humanity's weakness, he was referring to their infighting.

Leah is perfectly justified in resisting an forceful assimilation and especially in holding onto values like the honor of the order, because that was what drove humans, superhuman and normal humans alike, to unite under a common enemy. Honor in general is what prevents the strong from stomping on the weak.

This isn't an assimilation. It's eradication. Even Anne scoffs at that notion. How honor and pride worth more than lives? How will Leah's struggle save more lives than Dry's system?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
@bakato I still disagree with you, but like i said you do you, my friend.

As a person i won't forfeit my feelings, i know how to see the up and downs of everyone here, i made my mind as much as you did yours.

I am rooting for Leah and Anne, but if Dry come out on top i won't cry, one way or another people follows what they feel be their truth, and they as people will have to deal with what comes of it.

I am just happy that this series has such well-made worldbuilding to the point where i can see where everyone is coming from with their ideologies.

But if i remember right there are dark forces working behind the human society, those are Anne's true enemies in a way and they seem to lack any sort of moral compass.
Apr 10, 2018
@alacaelum You don't have to forfeit your feelings, but it's clear you pity Leah which has made you biased against Dry. Leah is the villain, the kind that ends up losing, by right of the fact that she's not fighting for a future. Everything she cares about is already dead. May's pretty dead, Khan's dead, her beloved order has been reduced to a name. This struggle of hers is nothing more than a glorious suicide. And her winning will almost certainly doom humanity. Narratively speaking, she can't win and she shouldn't.

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