Koi Inu

Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
hmmm, I return here after a long absense, and I see nothing much has changed in the story. chiyo is still the same stupid selfish bitch she always has been, completely unable to see her wrongs *sigh*..... ookuma is still an a hole imo, and the author coco still hasn't changed anything about it. *double sigh*
and if this story ever ends, Il read your sumgist of it. Not looking forward to the end though, I just know it's gonna be bad and lackluster. Also, thank you for your "sacrifice"
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Chapter 216: Loneliness to Cuddle People
For once, we get to see what Igarashi's doing, albeit very briefly. He's at, "one of the best sunset spots in Japan" but Coco has drained all hope out of him and he admits to himself that, "I don't feel anything."

Switch to Chiyo and Ookuma after their table tennis date and Chiyo exclaims that she enjoyed herself and had a lot of fun. She seems to have enjoyed herself more than she had ever done with Igarashi.

However, it's clear from her internal dialogue that she's wondering if Ookuma thinks of her romantically, and, once again, compares Igarashi to Ookuma, saying to Ookuma, "Between you and Shun-chan, the level is different. He was a good guy too, but you don't look at me like that [romantically]. Even if I walk next to you, I can barely catch up. In the end I'm cheating... I wish he [Shun-chan] would be more mature."

She tells Ookuma she's going home and doesn't need to walk her home. As she's walking away, after some self-justification internal monologue, he grabs her arm, swings her around, and hugs her. The chapter ends with what looks like a very pleased expression on Chiyo's face.

and if this story ever ends, Il read your sumgist of it. Not looking forward to the end though, I just know it's gonna be bad and lackluster. Also, thank you for your "sacrifice"
"If this story ever ends..." Ugh! At the rate Coco is going, and with all the loose ends that she may or may not tie up in the end (Shishijima and the Chairman, for example), I can see this running for another four or more years. I can even imagine Coco extending the story to where Chiyo and Igarashi are married and he has to deal with her infidelities, wondering if each one of their new babies is his.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Chapter 217: Loneliness to Cuddle People (2)
Not only does Chiyo not reject Ookuma's hug, but she snuggles into him and begins to cry (about what I am in complete confusion). He cuddles her more and she doesn't resist but does wonder how she should react. He lets her go and lends her his handkerchief. He tells her, "Maruto is attractive just as she is" which makes her happy. They part ways with the obvious intent to meet again as soon as Chiyo washes his handkerchief.

Meanwhile, unlike making Ookuma seem like wonderful boyfriend, Coco continues to treat Igarashi like a complete idiot. He gets off a bus, apparently in the middle of nowhere. His cell phone battery is dead and, according to the signpost, there aren't any more buses even though it's only 6pm. He has no other choice than to look for an inn or hotel...

There's a comment on comicojp about this chapter that sums up the situation pretty nicely, in my opinion, "this development is a form that betrays the people who have read so far." Although I have expected this Chiyo x Ookuma development for a very long time, I still feel betrayed by Coco. This is supposedly Igarashi's story, but she's turned him into the villain of his own story and Ookuma into the hero (and Chiyo into an absolute xxxxx).
Power Uploader
Jun 1, 2018
@FredFriendly Please drop this manga, I read your spoilers and they are as bad as I imagined. The author thinks shitty drama makes a story deep. It doesn't. He wasted 200 chapters of development, this story does not deserve to get translated.

Please do us and yourselves a favour, drop this and start a new story. I am removing this from my reading list and I lost all interest of catching up, regardless of the ending.
Jan 19, 2018
Where did all the chapters go? I dropped this a while ago and wanted to see what was going on in the latest chapter
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018

So....how’s this series going so far? I mean I know it can get worse. But I’m just curious to know how ridiculous the drama has become.
Igarashi basically lost everything, so at this point are they still making him out to be the ‘worst person of the series?’
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Xzayer You can read summaries of chapters 218 - 221 here: http://www.fredfriendly.com/koiinu/

Yes, as of chapter 221, almost 3 months after Chiyo broke up with him, Igarashi is still being portrayed as a pathetic loser who can't let go whereas Chiyo has emphatically declared that she is over him.
Double-page supporter
Jan 29, 2019
Lol, what a trainwreck. I don't care who she ends up with, but damn, she is toxic. It seems like there is no karma in Coco's world.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Probably has been asked before but is Igarashi a person based on Coco’s personal life? Because the amount of distaste’s she has for him as a character seems like he’s based on someone in real life.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
As of chapter 241, published on comico.jp on 2020-06-10, Chiyo has become the main female character in a romance series that I detest more than any other, including Kako from P to JK, which is going some. You can read why and chapter summaries on my website here: http://www.fredfriendly.com/koiinu/

Probably has been asked before but is Igarashi a person based on Coco’s personal life? Because the amount of distaste’s she has for him as a character seems like he’s based on someone in real life.

It has long been my speculation that Coco has set about to completely trash Igarashi's character because she, herself, must have had a miserable personal romantic experience and Igarashi represents her nemesis. Very recently, in her comments on a chapter, Coco said that she, herself, is the main character in the story which can only mean that Chiyo represents her. This was quite a surprise as I always believed that Igarashi was the main character in the story. But, yeah, Coco has turned Igarashi, who was once a happy-go-lucky, sweet and kind guy into a complete emotional wreck.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018

Thank you for the update, I appreciate it. Now that’s just weird. Chiyo is a representative of Coco? I would get it if the writer was creating a narrative about her life experiences. But the story doesn’t seem that way.

For the longest I thought Igarashi was the MC while Chiyo was the FMC. But that doesn’t seem the case. This train wreck has to go somewhere. Chiyo or should I say Coco would they count as a self insert and a Mary Sue at this point in time?
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Xzayer Yes, from what Coco said, Chiyo is her own self-insert character. Here's Coco's actual comment from chapter 237:
Igarashi or Kuma Senpai... I'm the main character and I think I like Igarashi-kun, but it's annoying... it would be painful if Ookuma was like Ryo Yoshizawa*. I don't know what it's really like, but I'm worried.

* Ryo Yoshizawa is a current Japanese idol.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018

Thank you for the quick reply. Now this sounds even worse than before. So then Ookuma is comparable to to Japanese idol Ryo Yoshizawa. Coco essentially breaks up with Igarashi. So that she can purse a relationship with a person she ascribes as like an idol. Sounds more like wish fulfillment. Ugh this is messing with me, especially knowing that Chiyo is Coco. Igarashi didn’t deserve this.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Xzayer You're right. Igarashi does not deserve what has happened to him. As for Chiyo, from her point of view, compared to Igarashi Ookuma is...

older, far more mature, better looking, has a car, has a good job, she feels comfortable with him and she seems to enjoy herself when she's with him far more than she ever enjoyed Igarashi's company. Could anyone blame her for wanting to be his girlfriend? What more could a girl want? Oh, well, there is that thing called love. Perhaps she will grow to love him over time since she certainly is not in love with him now. The one she is still in love with, though she would never, ever admit it, is Igarashi.

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