@Iskarioth I think its more complex than that, especially considering the system actually *does* work. Could their relationship have regained stability, if the "guaranteed" stable option wasn't there? Maybe, maybe not. In the context the story the author gives plenty of reasons to support the system's efficacy. High retention rates, low exit rates, anecdotal reports. Nothing's perfect, and their are always exceptions, but for 80%-ish of the population, it's "correct" about what person would bring them the longest lasting contentment and happiness. They aren't sheep to trust it. Humans are just less special and complicated in falling in love than we'd like to believe, even if the emotions that occur are complicated and beautiful regardless who we fall for. To me the story is saying, "Humans might not be the best at choosing their own partners based on intuition and instinct, but regardless of how it comes, a notice, chance, or time, the emotion retains it's beauty and importance. The only thing that changes is how long the relationship may last." No system can guarantee you'll be content, even if it guarantees a long lasting relationship, similarly no system can account for everything.