This one is better than her previous works, “Nijiiro Days”. It's quite complex, but not too deep.
The school life’s setup and environment are really good.
Their random conversation is very natural, it’s not boring, but maybe for some people yes.
I like how every character is thoughtful about their surroundings. Beautiful art as always.
The characters are favorable.
But except for Koharu. I felt sorry for her, but I didn't agree with her. What she did is wrong. I prefer she is being honest in a good way, she is way too egoistic with her own blaming victim, and didn't consider what other people are feeling.
I found it quite unpredictable as the title say “We don’t know love yet”.
This is what they called as youthful love. The main casts are they, folks, still grow up and full dilemma on their own. I’m waiting for more twisted development.