So, just to make sure you know, transve- is an outdated term and is entirely a slur. Not judging, just informing you and others here.
These are like, literally Nazi arguments here. It basically amounts to "Stay as quiet and out of sight as you can so that we can continue to live like you don't exist or matter." It's not that you respect a quiet trans person. If we can't have a voice in a manga about a young person questioning their preferences like this, you really just don't have us having any rights or voice and wish we would just stop existing at all. So yes, best time to delete this was right after you sent it. Second best is now.
So rule one of being an inclusive ally or at least not an enemy: Don't speak for said minority like you are them. We generally would be absolutely would be fine if Hiura was a crossdresser. Totally okay with that. But that's not what is in front of us, is it? Hiura, so far, is unsure of who they are. Even still, a trans girl getting attached to the character and having some hope that they turn out even more relatable to them is fine, isn't hurting you at all, and they do not deserve to be called a groomer and disgusting for it.
Mods, PLEASE. We need help in this thread. This thread is taking a beautiful, funny story of self discovery and turning it into an artillery shell against trans people.