@toshiNARI On page 1 the word "important"& on page 4 the word "alcoholic" are misspelled. Also I think on page 7 I think it should be "her" instead of here because he's talking about Boketsu & it makes more sense that way? Jesus 36 pages for the next chapter, that's a bit surprising unless it's the end of volume content bundle together with the chapter but good luck. Well at least he really showed how much he cares for her which is awesome. Thanks for the chapter.
Last time I tried reading a manga with 30+ pages per chapter my brain fried. That was after 10 chapters but the length is the point. Actually done one with 46 per chapter before. Complete torture.
I'd recommend Iruma-kun because it has good pacing and isn't 200+ chapters of nothing, or Komi-san which is a SoL but has such good characterization that it works
@Ochrolv fixed. Also while it is a bonus chapter, there are actually more bonus pages after it lol
@CoolerThanFrieza Thanks for catching that; I actually misread what he was saying (the text is so damn small and blurry in that speech bubble). I believe he was actually saying the watch she had on wasn't the type that men wore, or that it was a fake. Fixed it. Either way, the watch threw him off.
@toshiNARI can you use a better font? I suggest you to use CC Astro City or Wild Words because the fonts you use for this manga is really... unconventional.
@DISCO_BOT noted. If you've read some of the other manga I've scanned, they're all in different fonts, as I've been experimenting with different font styles to match the manga themes. Starting with the next volume (as I've already finished the next chapter), the font will change to Anime Ace (the one I use for Secret x Siblings and Hinmin Choujin Kanenashi-kun). Thanks for the feedback.