Chapter made me cry, especially when they talked about how he wasn't special, just average, but his actions make him special and important. I used to feel bad for those who couldn't be with their love, but when they don't pursue the person they are interested in and expect them to pursue instead, I can't say I feel bad. Manbagi never felt like she tried to make her feelings known or showed anything. Meanwhile Komi has done those things. Being a very very attractive women is hard when it comes to relationships as there are many people who see them and think they are not attractive enough, rich enough, interesting enough or w.e, so they may only ever be approached by creeps, weirdos and other undesirables. The mangaka even put it in the manga, obsessive people who view her as more of an object than a person. My cousin ended up with one of those undesirables. They have 2 kids, he is not really ever around, they are nearly half a mil in debt, no one understands how he got the money or what he spent it on. There are more problems, but can't give away to much info. But yeah, there was a few groups of creeps that followed her around and treated her like a princess, girls treated her poorly out of envy, but she was able to make 2 friends (cousins don't count) because they realized she is an earnest and hard working girl (now woman).