Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu.

Active member
Apr 25, 2020
good manga but after almost fucking 300 chapters and not a lot of progress its getting boring and i have to force my self to read the newest chapter when ever it comes out since i want to know what happens
Jun 10, 2019
Do people still somehow enjoy this series? I don't think I've ever seen a more overrated manga more than Komi-san.
Jun 10, 2019
@Nihilist1 Just saying that this manga is incredibly overrated and the only thing keeping it this popular is the shitty circle jerk around it. If you like it then good for you, but the lack of progression and 1 dimensional characters make this feel like an absolute snooze fest.
Double-page supporter
Aug 11, 2018
@Kremit Bruh stop editing your comment I can't reply to you if you keep editing it.

In the 2nd comment before you edited it you were saying I used the phrase incorrectly which is certainly not the case, you are the one implying people had a weird taste that still 'somehow' liking the series and then proceed calling it overrated without any elaboration whatsoever in the original comment, so yeah you kinda judge the entire fandom with your own taste. A rather unconvincing statement if I might say.

Then for the reply after you edit the comment
Just saying that this manga is incredibly overrated and the only thing keeping it this popular is the shitty circle jerk around it
You kinda shoot your own foot here buddy, kinda proving my first point about you lived in your own world. And what fandom doesn't have a circle jerk? Tell me one fandom that doesn't have one? Why so aggressive about it that this particular one is shitty? The manga (if you followed it which I doubt you aren't) is steadily progressing on consistent pace since the beginning and the shenanigans within the manga are still entertaining, most fans are fine with it including me so why the need to discount the rest of us that have ongoing overview with that?
'Shitty circle jerk' yeah lol, what a way to define every circle jerks in the weebdom.

If you like it then good for you, but the lack of progression and 1 dimensional characters make this feel like an absolute snooze fest.
There IS progression, it's slow but it's there as a SoL manga should be. Komi steadily making friends and overcoming her disorder, the romance part is near conclusion too, just because you don't like the whole premise doesn't mean the progression nonexistent, that's just cheap lol.

And 1 dimensional character is actually a good way for oda in delivering the premise of 100 friends without being too complicated about it, but yeah you can just not reading this series if it's not up in your alley.
Jun 10, 2019
@Nihilist1 I edited my comment because I realized I went wrong in some places and I do take fault in that.
When I was referring to the "somehow" still liking the manga, I was referring to how the manga quality has been going down, I never said that it was bad that people read.
I'm not talking about the Fandom dude I'm talking about the entire weeb community. Its amazing seeing how so many people get so defensive over this one fictional girl. They don't want anyone saying anything bad about their "uwu precious waifu" and the whole "must protecc do not lewd" thing is so beaten to death and annoying. If you go online and post about anything bad about Komi-san as a character, you'll generally get bombarded by unreasonable hate. And its because of this circle jerk that Komi-san has spiraled into popularity, because she is just some shy, pretty girl who just wants some friends, and that's literally all she is. And for the record, I did read this manga a couple months back, up until around chapter 240-250 because there was no progression with Tadano/Komi/Manbagi love triangle. (Unless if there has been some drastic progress from where I left off to the current chapter)
If I did not make it clear beforehand, I am talking about the weeb community's circle jerk, not the Fandom. Obviously every Fandom has a circle jerk over something. its a fuckin Fandom lol.
The progression for this series is probably the worst part imo tho. I checked around and I can even see a large number of manga readers agree that the progress is terrible. It took Komi more than 200 chapters to stop talking through a notebook, and she still uses it a lot of the time whenever she does want to communicate too. The romance also felt like it dragged on for so long it got boring.
Also I don't understand what you mean by
,"just because you don't like the whole premise doesn't mean the progression nonexistent". I like the premise, thats literally why I started this manga to begin with. Its the near nonexistent progression THAT I DON'T like.

Edit: I sent this prematurely on accident. Let me finish.

The 1 dimensional characters aren't only limited to side characters too. The main characters have also been effected throughout the course of this manga so far. Tadano went from being a cool and lovable guy to being a dense romance protagonist who can't recognize Komi or Manbagi's feeling (again basing this from when I left off idk if its different now) and its because Tadano is now a super dense idiot who's oblivious to everything that the romance feels like it never progresses. It may not be considered as "1 dimensional" to some, but it sure is generic and bland. Manbagi also feels like she became some generic tsundere too every since she started liking Tadano (again idk if this has changed from when I stopped reading).
The manga just felt it switched from finding friends and learning to open yourself up to others, to just wacky adventure of the week with slow ass pacing where we meet new 1 dimensional character, and then forget about about him next chapter, and then will appear 20 chapters later before the author remembered that they existed.

You are correct, this series is definitely not up my ally anymore because its no longer the series that I enjoyed so much anymore. And I'm not reading this series anymore? Didn't I make that clear with my initial comment? Why are you bringing it up when I'm sure you were already aware.

I'm just tired of writing and I dont care enough to fix typos or other errors that I missed. Thats pretty much it, although that doesn't mean I'm not up for more discussion if you have anything to say.
Double-page supporter
Aug 11, 2018
@Kremit Cheers for the clarification, though I found you altered some of your points there.
The thing is 'Komi crusaders' was a long time ago though, we already past that, even the infamous 'komi-cult' got their server deleted on discord which I can get behind with because of the toxicity there. Granted there will be some people still going around with that dead meme but it's not as sporadic as it was during the 2019 surge. And every time you gave a critic to the series as long as it is not trollish granted you will be responded in kind, can't speak for the whole community here but at least from my observation things calmed down after a while especially in reddit and MD, so it's kinda unfair judging the whole fandom just because of a dead meme.

And for the record, I did read this manga a couple months back, up until around chapter 240-250 because there was no progression with Tadano/Komi/Manbagi love triangle.
The romance also felt like it dragged on for so long it got boring.
I like the premise, thats literally why I started this manga to begin with. Its the near nonexistent progression THAT I DON'T like.
At least finally we are getting into the substance, but you gave me mixed signals here, what do you want exactly out of the manga? Its romance or its daily usual shenanigans? If you liked the premise surely you understand the presence of the romance part as the subplot? The romance element started when onemine was introduced, that was 56 chapters in after the manga started, at that point you should've known how the overall pacing of the manga will go, and thus my reasoning on its consistent pacing. When it happened I know the manga will eventually shift its focus to finish this secondary plot in the future so when it gets more serious during 2nd year festival arc, I'm not entirely surprised. Even then there is no BS misunderstanding, confession bait, or cliffhanging bait trope like I usually see in other romcom manga (looking at you kanokari), the 2 heroines clearly talked it out and established a clear goal among them on what the hell do they want, and now we are in the
endgame where manbagi is preparing to confess
and the author himself in his twitter stating he wants to solve the love triangle by love valentine arc.

It took Komi more than 200 chapters to stop talking through a notebook, and she still uses it a lot of the time whenever she does want to communicate too.
The girl doesn't even talk until she met tadano dude, that was literally her whole life up until she started high school. The fact that now she is starting to talk more in recent chapters after a year in manga time surely meant something is up? If we want to make an equivalent real-life comparison selective mutism isn't a joke, it took considerable effort to overcome it. Skipping the entirety of the problem just for the pacing convenient is just untasteful. Oh and remember, manbagi played an important role in how komi spoke more often. You will excuse me for recycling one of my old comments but this is why SoL elements of komi played and its romance played important part supporting each other. The way I see it, Oda is incorporating all these tropes together to eventually came out with similar conclusion, pushing komi out of its bubble. Komi making 100 friends is the main method on how she will go, the romance subplot in this case is another method for her to overcome it.

Still at least that's what I saw, you are free to disagree on that.

If I did not make it clear beforehand, I am talking about the weeb community's circle jerk, not the Fandom. Obviously every Fandom has a circle jerk over something. its a fuckin Fandom lol.
No you don't actually, your first two comments clearly implies the 'shitty circle jerk' of komi-san fanbase based on your perception on the already dead meme, not sure if you're trying to salvage your way out of this one but ok.

Lol luckily I refreshed the page before I clicked send.

Tadano went from being a cool and lovable guy to being a dense romance protagonist who can't recognize Komi or Manbagi's feeling (again basing this from when I left off idk if its different now) and its because Tadano is now a super dense idiot who's oblivious to everything that the romance feels like it never progresses.
Nope this has been rebuked over and over again before, tadano isn't dense, he got self esteem problem since middle school where he tried to confess to a girl and outright rejected. He simply playing it carefully between komi and manbagi while entirely aware of it. The courage test arc is the best example of this where he got pranked by najimi because he thought komi was kissing him, he literally prepared to confess on the spot, at that point he just needs the 'Go ahead' sign from the girls to finally move forward.

The manga just felt it switched from finding friends and learning to open yourself up to others, to just wacky adventure of the week with slow ass pacing where we meet new 1 dimensional character, and then forget about about him next chapter, and then will appear 20 chapters later before the author remembered that they existed.
The new 1D character and SoL 'wacky ass adventure' is literally part of the manga's premise though? What do you actually want? You really give mixed signal here, I already addressed it above. Beside, having komi arranged her friend's circle on which one her bff and her acquitances (that directly impacted to their screentime) is also part of her story that also advancing her as a character, I really don't see anything wrong here.

You are correct, this series is definitely not up my alley anymore because its no longer the series that I enjoyed so much anymore. And I'm not reading this series anymore? Didn't I make that clear with my initial comment? Why are you bringing it up when I'm sure you were already aware.
Learning from the mistake of the past, some dude was angry at me because he thought I was forcing him to accept my opinion where I clearly just want to talk about the substance with him on anjou-san. Don't feel forced to write back if you don't want to, at least I got your point instead of just 'this manga is clearly overrated' lol.
Jun 10, 2019
@Nihilist1 What I initially expected to see was Komi making 100 friends and learning to open herself up more to those friends that she made,(which I guess is still kinda happening, just not in the way I enjoyed it personally with all the 1D characters and bad pacing). obviously when I first started it I wasn't expecting it to drag out for a long ass time, almost to currently 300 chapters where Komi isn't even at the half-way point on her friend list.

I wouldn't mind seeing fun wacky chapters every now and then, but I just don't like seeing them in large, non-stop quantities like with what this manga does. And I just wish all the 1D characters atleast developed into something more interesting, but thats just me. Again this manga just isn't the same to me anymore and I pretty much forced myself to read through everything past around chapter 100 (where I personally think it starts to decline in quality) to chapter 240-250 (somewhere around there). Just some more clarification for you.

Edit: just want to say I thought this manga would be more like a Drama/Comedy style. (Which I guess it is kinda but I personally don't find the comedy bits to be funny anymore and dont think the drama works well with the pacing issue, making the romance progression feel slow)
Double-page supporter
Aug 11, 2018
@Kremit Yea that's cool, it's fun talking with you. I'm just replying to you since you started going on with that 'shitty circle jerk' komi fandom you mentioned before. Have fun reading other manga, maybe sernyuu shoujo is more fitting on your cup of tea? The MC got similar trait with komi, it's more romance-focused and the series has ended too.

I wouldn't mind seeing fun wacky chapters every now and then, but I just don't like seeing them in large, non-stop quantities like with what this manga does. And I just wish all the 1D characters atleast developed into something more interesting, but thats just me.
Yea that's why I mentioned above about how the entirety of having 100 different characters is literally the manga's premise and it was managed by komi arranged her friends cohort into bffs and acquitances that directly impacted to their screen time, tho some side characters did get more development compared to other. I don't think giving everyone more development is plausible at this point.
Jun 10, 2019
@Nihilist1 likewise, and sorry if I came off as a total dick at first. Have fun reading Komi-san, I may not like it anymore but its good that you and others can still enjoy it for what it is.

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