Well, freaking finally he tells Ayana he wasn't dating his childhood friend. Not a fan of the attempted rape by the rando stalker, but maybe at least we can finally throw that plot point into the trash where it belongs. He's not coming back, right?
His confession and Ayana accepting it this early was a surprise, but a welcome one. Okay, I actually liked that even if it was fast. It bucks the trend of many romcoms having spineless male leads, and he's certainly not one of them: not after he drove away the robber and especially not now after he beat her would-be rapist to a pulp.
So now they're dating, is this manga ending soon? Childhood friend loses again, but this time I actually didn't mind given what she did and how she seemed to be a walking mess of red flags. And Haruno did say she'd be fine, only that she'll be pissed. She's not lying, is she?