Kuitsume Youhei no Gensou Kitan

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
This makes a pretty good thriller at times. I like the pacing of the story (currently at ch17)
Feb 17, 2018
"Licensing", my old nemesis. Hope someone not afraid of a word will pick this up. 🙏
Jul 26, 2020
If anyone's still curious about the novel chapter equivalent, it's at Chapter 28 where
they meet up with Jack at the bar for information.
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
Goblin Slayer author know when to add humor and when to be serious. This manga overdoing the slapstick humor in the serious situation to the point of become annoying.
Feb 2, 2023
Finally a fantasy manga where:
  • MC does not encounter hot females that immediately fall in love for him under every rock
  • MC is not just an overpowered edgelord
  • things don't "fall from sky" as soon as the MC or party needs it (eg.: MC is a fat loser -> sleep and turns into a fit supermodel; MC needs new clothes -> fashion related personel appear and give MC size adequate clothes, etc.)
  • characters from the same gender of MC exists and are not evil. Characters of the oposite gender of MC that doesn't like him (but are not evil) also exists
  • MC is able to maintain a proper conversation with the oposite sex without overreacting, additionaly, is able to have phisical contat without losing its shit. Even more, is able to witness sex without bleeding from every oriphice of his face or the urge to rape someone
  • Despite the female partner still falling into the manga trope of imediately trusting and liking MC (despite my previous point - not love, she only likes him at first), later on the manga presents a valid reason for her to become attached to him (stil annoying but this bar is so low that I'm still counting as a positive)
  • the manga stabilishes rules and stays true to them - there are two magic slots -> two magics where cast -> there are zero magic slots -> the mage is not able to get more magic casts out of its rear hole or use the power of "friendship" to kill enemies
  • careless characters die because they are careless, they don't simple die (or get raped) just because violence sells (or sex sells) but it is just the consequences of their actions. Or even worse, when those characters start to suffer from their careless actions the cavalry don't get just in time to save everyone (and the cavalry commander is a hot female that imediately falls in love with the MC)
  • no demon lord or choosen one(yet)

Good read, hope it stays away from the common sewage.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2023
This is really good, if not, a great manga. MC and FMC acting like true adult in fantasy world, other adult person having rational conversation, the typical harem cliche character are either dead or incapacitated due to their idiot leader. Meanwhile, MC aware of his own weakness and doesn't act rash. FMC while mysterious also knowledgeable, not just there for the sake of eye candy. Weapons broke after fighting horde of enemy, magician depleted of their mana, even archer lost stamina faster after running compared to swordsman, these are fresh in the sea of isekai trash out there.
Jul 19, 2023
It's bad. Not at the first glance type of bad but the worst type because it betrays expectations.
Story tries to sell mc as mature, cunning and experienced and soon after he behaves like a complete moron oblivious to everything. These swings in competence make it impossible for me to immerse myself into the story.
In general characters are overly cautious which autor tries to use as a leverage to show them as mature just to in the next scene, for no apparent reason, randomly break established characters.
It's only my taste but personally I can't get behind mc who is willingly putting himself into slave mindset. It's ok if he is enslaved and he fights against it but being a follower is fit only for side characters not for mc. Some people tend to enjoy manipulated or beta characters, if that's the case you may find the manga bearable.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
Going on three years and no one has picked this up, I guess it truly is dead.
Jan 3, 2019
So is the series still continuing? Did the author racist drama blow over yet?
Jun 28, 2019
From Chapter 18.1 to 24.41, that's some serious gap which I would want to be filled.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
It's bad. Not at the first glance type of bad but the worst type because it betrays expectations.
Story tries to sell mc as mature, cunning and experienced and soon after he behaves like a complete moron oblivious to everything. These swings in competence make it impossible for me to immerse myself into the story.
In general characters are overly cautious which autor tries to use as a leverage to show them as mature just to in the next scene, for no apparent reason, randomly break established characters.
It's only my taste but personally I can't get behind mc who is willingly putting himself into slave mindset. It's ok if he is enslaved and he fights against it but being a follower is fit only for side characters not for mc. Some people tend to enjoy manipulated or beta characters, if that's the case you may find the manga bearable.
in addition:
Pushover MC x manipulative bitch FMC. The human is right to loath demon kin if they are acting like FMC. If the MC has an ounce of brain, just do low rank hunting quest solo since he's strong enough to deal with lower rank monster barehanded & get out of the debt. Why he need to stay in inn if he can just stay outside & hunt wild animals for food so he can saves his money. YOU ARE A FUCKING MERCENARY AREN'T YOU? DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SURVIVAL SKILL! This's just plain idiotic.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
Having read several volumes of the LN...

The main problem is that it feels like bait and switch. Technically the guts guy is the MC, but he has almost zero initiative and instead it's the FMC who is deciding what to do, where to go etc, generally running the show. On top of that, the FMC is actually physically stronger than the MMC. Basically the story is "OP woman finds a good looking, strong (but not as strong as her) man, and uses him as a strong pet." Aside from that it also takes a long stuff for things to happen; feels like a lot of unnecessary filler in the story before the action finally kicks in.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2018
Garbage. A girl got bitten by a zombie dragon and they spend 3 pages talking before saving her.

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