Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Vol. 3 Ch. 24

Jan 29, 2018
Don't be discouraged. People are just crybabies.
I'm not a fan of april fools myself, but it takes literally a second to see that it's a joke release and skip it.
It takes many times longer to leave an angry comment.
Double-page supporter
Jan 1, 2019
That village boy changed his opinion about her very fast. "No, you wear weird things" to "I believe you can do it" in the blink of an eye.
Jan 18, 2018
@GerryCerryBery I mean his initial impression is of a girl whos wearing super weird clothes. Then she summons 2 bears that go extremely fast out of nowhere who knows what else she can do. And the guild master trusts her it makes sense he would gain some confidence in her. (that or he's saying it to himself so he doesn't start panicking again)
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 6, 2018
@Amplify no, you are exaggerating
getting angry or annoyed when you got pranked is normal
but to say that it wasted 2 days of your life? that's exaggeration down to the T
are you saying that you spend 24/7 of your life just surfing the internet and reading mangascan online?

i'll be positive here and assume that you have many other thing to do unlike a hikkikomori NEET you are making yourself looks like
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Two days of my life passed and nothing much got done because I felt so tightly wound and couldn't relax at all wherever I went. Do not presume to tell me I am exaggerating when you do not know one damned thing about me, I detest that loathsome holiday and I detest people like you too.

Don't bother responding to me, next time I'll just block you.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 14, 2018
Wow what happened here? All I read was people were being disrespectful? damn.

Well I hope you folks who bring us these chapters know anyone who speaks rudely about yall isn't the majority since the majority of us quietly read and enjoy these freely produced chapters that we're not entitled to
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Amplify Ooh, hey, can you block me too? You act like April Fool's Day killed your entire family or something. This tantrum over a silly holiday honestly just makes you look like a child.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
"Nobody is allowed to dislike the things I like, or I'll label them as a child!"
Unironically fuck off. Accept that most people hate your retarded holiday and that 95% of the people who do "April Fool's day jokes" wouldn't know the proper way to handle one if their life depended on it. When somebody uses the day to create joke or parody content that's as enjoyable to read or watch as the real thing or even better than it, that's a good use of April 1st. If you're going to use it to make something that rapes people's eyes and ears, go neck yourself.

Here's one of the two good jokes I saw that day:
For bad jokes by worse people, see literally everything else and especially the crap these guys put out and acted like it didn't stink.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Amplify You are one of very few people who get this upset over dumb April Fool's jokes, dude. Whenever I see bad April Fool's jokes I just ignore it and move on. The only bad April Fool's "jokes" are ones where websites decide to make their site unusable as a joke, which has unfortunately happened occasionally. That's the only scenario in which I can understand you being this irrationally upset over a holiday people like to fuck around and have fun on.

Groups uploading joke chapters is an inconvenience of like 5 seconds. Open it, realize it's unreadable and then just close it and move on. This type of shit is so trivial and easy to dismiss but you're getting all pissy about it. Grow up.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
You are one of very few people who get this upset over dumb April Fool's jokes, dude.
I know full well from a lot of the people I talk to and the people I've seen that I certainly am not, I'm just trying to make it clear to you that a lot of people hate it and you refuse to accept that anybody could ever dislike this shit.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2018
Thanks for update!
Finally it got on this arc
I wish there's more Noa and Fina screentime though, but too bad this Arc didn't have much of it
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2018
I wonder what it's like to be so fragile and overwrought that a silly holiday makes you unable to function IRL?

Anyway @KumaTranslation thanks for the translation :)
Aggregator gang
Mar 27, 2019
@joshguy i already knew it was going to be shit after the first episode. thats why i dropped it after that first episode.
Active member
Mar 22, 2020
Fcking child on edge. My response would be, "Sure it aint my problem anyways." I wont help unless he apologizes while dogeza for 3 days. And pays me 10 gold as reward, obviously if he cant pay then he just have to be a slave.
Dont get why she keeps helping people. She sure isnt like that in her previous life.

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