She screwed up a very important step in taking care of the "cluckers".
If we assume they're basically just chickens at least, chickens only have a very rudimentary concept of quantity.
That is to say chicken counting at best would be: None, One, Many. At the very least though, chickens can tell the difference between no eggs and some eggs, and some can tell the difference between one eggs and more than one egg.
Usual policy when harvesting the eggs is to leave a fake egg or two in the nest as a substitute so the chickens don't get stressed out wondering where their eggs went (even if they're not fertilised).
Plus it would help if she could get back any leftover egg shells so they can be ground up to recycle the calcium into the chicken feed. More calcium = stronger eggshells = fewer breakages.
But at the very least they need substitute eggs to stop the "cluckers" stressing out over their eggs vanishing all the time.