Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Vol. 4 Ch. 32

Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
i'm assuming the one being excluded is the noble guy, serves him right.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
she is not a particularly cold loner... closer to somebody who turn apathetic due to seeing her peers in school as idiots and her parents neglecting her.
she is also not a hard loner like an explicit hikikomori who never wants to leave room and meet people, she just choose who to associate with and choose an escapism life in online game and book than doing physical 'real life'. This could be seen when she finally understand that she is actually moved to another world by seeing her physical real body instead of her avatar, she also acknowledge that here there are no games and book for her shut-in escapist lifestyle, but the 'real life' could now be as fun as what was her escapism.

the background story is actually more explored here than on web novel, there was a section telling about her relationship with her grandfather (refer to chp 10). While it looks calculating and cold, it's actually fit what's common to her age where early teenager act rebellious and ask for a space instead of staying as cute kid and cuddling with their parents/grandparents. This could be seen on how she mention that she is actually ok with moving to her grandfather's house but decided to not doing it because her grandfather is being a nuisance with his occasional remarks.

her action is also fit into those setting, she welcome a younger good girl such as fina as close friend and treat her like a sister, but reject "stupid peer" like when she reject to party with deborane's party as she consider his action was retarded.
later in this regard the deborane party is split up and part of them are even becoming yuna's friend.
this notion would also fleshed multiple time, as many already guessed
she won't sell the egg to cliff, but when cliff come she would sell him the egg if it's for noah's share, but there are none for cliff. in webnovel she also state further later that she welcome kids in this new world as she found they are good kid unlike stupid brats from japan who seemingly always bully each other, but she would also refuse to be friend with bad kids in this new world if she would ever meet any (she actually meet one and pawn him hard).

so, once again, instead of cold loner, she is more of a moral-idealist who choose to be apathetic to people who doesn't share her view and doesn't harm her or what she consider important.
Apr 12, 2018
@Red225 No one would be able to compete with her. She bought the land for the farm, but the structures she builds on them are basically free. The egg cases she made are free too. Transport costs are greatly reduced for her if she uses the kuma portal to skip large distances. She's totally in the position to push out every competitor in the market.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Wasn't it the guy working for the lord, Enzu(?), that was stealing the funds for the orphanage? Does she actually confront the lord about the funds soon?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018
Sure it is easier to just throw them money to buy food. But real-world application has proven that long-term handouts are almost always bad. It creates people who are dependent, entitled and lazy. Case in point, readers of illegal translation of Japanese materials, who think they're entitled to free stuff because they've always been given these for free for decades.

For real-world example, look at Venezuela whose decades of handouts made the economy collapse; Nauru who's being propped up by Australia and house the world's laziest, most obese and has no economy other than Australia's prison camps; and to a lesser extent, Malaysia, who'd be on the way to becoming another Venezuela due to the handout culture had the political change not happen.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

Yes the guy working for the lord is the one stealing all the money from the kids.
As far as the lord knows, he is still donating the full amount every time. Yuna do not know about this and blames the lord anyway preventing him from buying eggs.
The lord is going to find out that he have been embezzling money because he is not allowed to buy eggs in the close by future and asks Yuna why that is, so he confronts her about it.

the guy working for the lord is taking a huge risk doing this, but you do find out like 200 chapters later( lightnovel chapters ) that there was a reason as to why he thought he could get away with it.
long story short....If the guy managed to take the gold out of town and run away, the lord would be unable to accuse him of stealing the money because of politics and his family connections.
so because of Yuna it took the lord alot less time to find out about the missing money and he got caught still in town.... it was a stupid plan with a huge amount of risk and he lost his head for it.
But he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
As far as I recall those meddling kids never got someone's head chopped off, but hey, I haven't watched the more recent versions of the show so I might've missed it lol.
Aug 22, 2018
I find it funny that the last sentence "I have to work hard for the children" is there when almost the whole chapter is about her transfering/delegating the work to others.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
Yuna didn't directly confront cliff, cliff instead come to yuna asking why nobody won't sell egg when his butler use his name.
Yuna's answer is there's no egg for bad guys since the egg come from the orphanage that he abandoned.
That's when cliff realize somebody embezzling money, all conclusion on the embezzlement case happen behind the scene with a mention that the culprit and his family are executed since there's proof that they also done some gruesome stuff, followed with cliff then wants to continue the orphanage funding and so on (not going to spoil more)
Yuna didn't even met the one who take the money.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
I don't believe any adventurer lived on the clucker eggs alone. Well, it's slightly bad for them, but...
- it is better for the people (more healthy food for a cheap price)
- Good for the children, as the now have an income, that doesn't put them into to much danger
- Good for wild cluckers, as now their nests don't get plundered so much. And therefore...
- good for wild clucker hunters, as there might be more of them in near future

- But it is BAD for the kept cluckers, as this marks the beginning of their industrial ill-usage.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
@Red225 - I think nobody who joins a profession called "adventurer" expects a long and stable career doing the same thing over and over. It's all about being adaptive and doing whatever needs doing.
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
@Qelix I don't know about that. This is an anachronistic sword and magic society. They may never industrialize as they have magic instead of science. Also, fun fact, many breeds of chicken are going extinct because of modern chicken industry but a revival of backyard chicken hobbyists are literally saving critically endangered chicken breeds from extinction.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@Mojo: True, there might never be a industrialization, but there are examples of a magic/steampunk industrialization in other fantasy settings. But there doesn't need to be one. It is a product in demand, there are merchants and the local price might fall on a lower level, but elsewhere the prices for the eggs are still high. That technique will spread like a wildfire, because it is about food. People love food. And then the prices will go down, and at some point some arseholes will start to do big business without good animal care. Let's hope it is kept to farmers, like in our world in the pre-industrial times. But I fear, that as this business is very lucrative in the beginning, there might form a stance to keep it out of the hand of people with lower incomes and if that happens it will go south.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
The comfiness is back!!!
This manga is as comfy as that bear costume looks.
May 3, 2018
@Red225 It actually doesn't effect them that much. Clucker eggs wasn't really an adventures game as it was a merchant game. Plus it's not really explained well in the manga but clucker eggs don't have a long shelf life so it is hard to get eggs to the village. So even if 1 village is now producing their own eggs so there is no reason to sell there doesnt mean there arent other villages that wont buy their eggs.

PS even when she starts saturation of eggs into the village market it still barely covers the village.
Later in the story the town merchant guild asks if they can copy the clucker house as the town needs more eggs and most of the orphanages eggs goes to the restaurants MC opens
So there is still a market for it, it just lower in price and if you dont like that price in this village just go and sell at another.

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