Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Vol. 5 Ch. 45

Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
@Rugid and @carenjnn
I think proper translated ones are much better than the google ones, because many things change rather fast and a overcorrect word for word translation is horrible in both
meaning AND grammar (and very often dont even make sense)
therefore calling it shit without any knowledge about real translating is nothing more than some ignorant people insulting the translators

PS: even if they have some grammar mistakes or something like that, they are people who do it as a hobby and are not professionels and for that level it hasnt something you can complain enough to call it shit
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@someunregpunk lol, I don't know if the meeting the leader of your country nowadays has an impact like in the feudal days. I do understand what you mean though because it can have unforeseen consequences for Fina and her family in those, but hopefully she overcomes it because being friends with a noble girl will have its benefits
Feb 15, 2018
"Well, it's shit, but it's FREE!!!" mindset doesn't help no one, including scanlators themselves. That's why we have all those horrible scanlations made by people who just "expecto patreon" with lowest quality and effort possible.

p.s. Also, "okaa-sama/san" is "mother/mom", "otou-sama/san" is "father/dad", and "onee-san" is "(big) sister". Just in case translator doesn't know how to translate them in English. I've meet such people before...
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
@rugid you can do good criticism and no one has the right to complain, but what you did wasnt criticism. Not translating onee-san etc isnt a problem, because it helps when people still use it when people still use the things like "-kun" or "-chan" which can not really be translated in many cases. That helps for uniformity and most of the people know what it means. Maybe a footnote on the page itself or something for people who doesnt know about this.
Naturally quite some manga have lazy people and lazy redrawings and such, but complaining like this is just insulting even the ones who do a great job. Maybe it can be better, but then give real criticism and not your "little kid complaining".

Also dont forget that some people are learning to do such things and people who complain in the same way you and the other guy did doesnt help at all. Your mindset (or at least the mindset you showed until know here) is much much worse than the "its shit, but its free" mindset. Criticize but dont complain and if you cant tell these two apart ...... just dont do it in the first place.
Aggregator gang
Jun 28, 2019
I did get trolled twice when clicking the new chaptee but ALAS! i can read it now lololol was there an error in the page? Thank you for translating this tho
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I think there might be a slight mistranslation on page 13, because Yuna isn't a C Rank adventurer yet. She becomes one after the next arc
real spoiler
where she defeats a kraken. I personally think she should have agreed to be A Rank then, but I digress.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2018
This chapter is good...but Fina...why are you sad, little girl? 😭
Feb 24, 2019
@moel @welcome2atlantis Fina has a gloomy expression because she is out of her element. She is herself a poor commoner and to be thrust into situations with nobles, a few steps away from royalty, is overwhelming to her. Most commoners would not expect to have one on one interactions with a noble, let alone be allowed to dine at their table as an equal. She can interact well enough to Noa because they spent a few days riding the bears together and can handle her in small doses (they do share a bear bond so they are actually good friends), but when Noa's family start treating her like family and doing things like buying her clothes, she starts to lock up and shut down. Eventually she will acclimate to a certain degree, but there are lots of situations where she will still end up being in over her head (or at least she thinks so).
However during the school fair arc, her extraordinary skill with disassembling monsters will shock and amaze even the group of adventurers chosen to put on the small demonstration. What she thinks is normal work, the disassembling of the various things Yuna beats, actually gives her a level of skill that dwarf most hardened in the field. In this she is in her element and everyone ends up quite impressed.
Dec 10, 2019
@dragou Still, why would this scanlators go as far as deleting the other translation? Plenty of works here have multiple translations available. It's like saying people have no right to have preferences, I myself liked the other one better
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
this scanlator deleting other translation? is that even possible?

you're right, on page 13 noa's mother said "speaking of adventurer rank" not her actual rank. @FudoMasamune must be missed the "ieba" in the middle of the sentence.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 31, 2019
I don’t think other scanslator can delete other’s, but more like the previous scans was deleted by him/herself since he/she only do some trial.

Well, thanks again for your hard work
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2018
@Kaitlyn that's make me sad-der... But after i do a glimpse on your spoiler comment i felt some hope.
Thank you for putting it on spoiler tag.
Jun 1, 2018

It's the usual mindless drivel by the drones here. It was MTL'd so of course they're gonna complain about it DESPITE clearly getting warned in the first page.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
this is different from the webnovel at least......
and from what i remember she doesn't fight with that older sister
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
still, I found it interesting to some extent reading those drama.

she did fight her on the webnovel (ch56), maybe you forgot about it or mixed it up the scene with another arc where the older sister appears.

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