Hmm, Balto really didn't look anything like what i pictured him. Wasn't he directly described as usually wearing a suit? This Balto is a bit disappointing compared to the super capable professional Balto in my head. Also Wrath looks stupid. Good job with Blow though.
Also for all the people like "where the fuck did this come from", in the original WN there were a lot of side chapters like this throughout that did the heavy lifting for the world building and showed what was going on in the outside world with the other reincarnators while our spider friend was having misadventures in the labyrinth. For a long time it wasn't at all clear how they lined up with or connected to the main story but they were a fairly regular thing. This small arc we are going into now is showing the Human-Demon Great War and was labeled as such in the WN. Kind of a shame they didn't bother to label it in the manga. It is an event of considerable importance (as you might expect) and a really nice arc that gets better once you know whats going on behind the scenes, but that is a long way off. For now just suspend your confusion a bit and enjoy it for what it is. It should give you a fair amount to ponder.
BloodySorcerer These were my personal favorite of the side story chapters in the WN so I'm not too bothered by this being the first shown. They are also arguably the most important, outside of the
so its something you can't really skip. That being said though, it does lose a bit when you don't have the build up and the background the rest of the side story provides.
eSPiYa Yikes spoilers. Please spoiler tag that shit, there are some direct spoilers in there and a lot of stuff that could be pretty easily inferred beyond the direct ones. That is not stuff that could be understood or inferred from where we are at in the manga either.