Kuni ni Saikyou no Barrier wo Hattara Heiwa ni Narisugite Tsuihousaremashita ~Ore no Mahou ga Yabasugite, Bijo to Mazoku ni Kakomarerun da ga!?~ - Ch…

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
What the heck is this garbage? Not only the plot progression here is so disjointed but they are even speed running the character development. If the dragons don't like to eat humans then why did she try multiple times to eat the MC? Why does he have a thing that lets him identify as a top mage in that kingdom?

Are we really about to get a barrier heal moment? At this point why barrier? Just make it so MC is a support mage this makes no sense considering he only knows "Barrier". I hate when series do this to be gimicky but they are just the same as everything.

I assume this chick is the one the spoiler said
she tells the king to look into why MC was gone and he doesn't
also we have no timescale here? How long has it been since MC left the castle? If it's a few days then how does this work?

If the finace's plan was to not marry MC and the guy she loves how will her plan work? As MC was never actually exiled they just lied to him and since it was a political marriage how does she expect to marry her love when as far as the king is knows MC and her are still politically marrying?
This is why this plot makes no sense the more and more you think of it.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2018
depending on the limitations on barier/shield magic, it absolutely can be used in combat offensively, and it would be a rather cruel fighting style at that, such as a small barier ofer you opponents face that filters out air, suffocating them.

or my alltime favorite potential way of using barriers and shields if teh setting allows it: a reversed (allow things to enter but not leave) shrinking barrier around their heart, crushing it or just preventing it from beating, or around their entire body slowly crushing them, a very large scale reversed (again, prevent leaving but allow entering) barrier around the enemy army, decreasing in size, eventually crushing them.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
Yeah the plot is full of holes, im assuming its because this is one of those things where the author has a story they want to tell but they have no idea how to do the START of the story so they are rushing a halfassed premise to "get to the good part".
I mean, this whole genre of "i can only do one thing and people treat me bad but im actually the bestest" is full of these kind of issues, but this manga is hitting all the marks and its barely on chapter 2.
Premise of being fired because they thought the barrier would last forever, even if that was true the person who made it would STILL be able to undo it? they are just being cartoonishly evil to MC with zero logic behind it. Dragon turning into naked woman yawn keeps trying to eat mc while drooling but doesnt like eating people sure whatever. Trying to sell the idea that MC is the bestest barrier user in the universe but also that he cant use it to fight like he cant jsut throw punches with it on. Also expecting the next chapter to do one of those "my Healing skill is so good i can time travel by healing time" bullshit moves
Feb 19, 2023
depending on the limitations on barier/shield magic, it absolutely can be used in combat offensively, and it would be a rather cruel fighting style at that, such as a small barier ofer you opponents face that filters out air, suffocating them.

or my alltime favorite potential way of using barriers and shields if teh setting allows it: a reversed (allow things to enter but not leave) shrinking barrier around their heart, crushing it or just preventing it from beating, or around their entire body slowly crushing them, a very large scale reversed (again, prevent leaving but allow entering) barrier around the enemy army, decreasing in size, eventually crushing them.
Invisible Woman says Hi. :) Since that's basically her power feats.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2019
this manga is a shame because the art is actually pretty good for this type of story and the mc is actually looks kinda different from other mcs you usually see. Everything else is just iffy at best and dogwater at worst.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2024
When he mentioned having a valuable item, and then on the next page a bearded guy showed up all the sudden, I was sure it would be one of those classic slave trader developments.
How is this mfer gonna heal with a barrier??? :worry:
Hmm, his barriers repel stuff so I guess they can purge bad humours that cause illnesses. Sure beats bloodletting and leaches.
Seriously though, MCs with these broken abilities can do just about anything imaginable, like that healer who could [Heal] (or unheal) his way out of any problem, a barrier magic user who could stream anime from Japan, or an alchemist who instantly forged a sword out of raw ore.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
Dude that can only use shield magic got kicked out because reasons
Stupid reasons as well.
His fiance wanted to marry the crown prince, and If I recall was in a relationship with him before the engagement to MC.

Sher bribed the knight leader to help her get rid of the MC, thinking she would then be able to marry the crown prince. Offering to make the idiot accomplice the prime minister when she became Queen.

Keep in mind, her plan relies on the King picking her, as oppose dot another nobles daughter or foreign princess for a blood pact, to marry his son. Which can not be guaranteed, and the previous engagement (especially with how they did everything behind the Kings back, and never told him they had booted the MC, even bribing the witnesses into silence) could easily lead to her being viewed as tainted and unfit to marry the prince.

As well, the King not the Queen would choose the Prime Minister, so she can not even guarantee the bribe.

Needing him to maintain the barrier is the only thing not a point against them, because the MC forgot to mention what was needed for upkeep of it, so they thought it would last. Still not the best move, but a teen "in love" is not the best at long term thinking.
This series really needs an editor to step in and tell the author to slow the fuck down.
The author wrote and paced it for a web novel, the person doing the adapting might need to adjust the pacing though.
I swear that when they were in the cave fighting that it meant them finding the city was actually a mirage or other type of illusion because it happened so quickly.
Or, the trip was unimportant and mostly uneventful, so omitted.
"Because humans don't taste good" Then why were you so determined to eat him, stupid dragon.

Maybe magic humans taste better.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2018
Am I just slow or was anyone else having a somewhat hard time following what’s going on?
I thought he was hallucinating from lack of food and daydreaming possible futures while having his dreams crushed by reality. Like living well off in his new life in the prosperous south as an adventure, despite going east because of the assassination, and only being able to use barrier magic would not be enough to be an adventurer. Then stumbling in the cave to see his pocket watch and dreaming of being a tutor of a rich nobles daughter. But only knowing barrier magic would make him a poor tutor for a prodigy especially because his method was just "practice diligently for 10 years".

TBH I thought that the reaction from the dragon was that his delirium was so strong it manifested as an illusion barrier that even the dragon could see. And when he started eating he was gona wake up from the mirage and found to be eating dung or rocks or something.

Are we sure this was just pacing and not missing pages or out of order pages?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I thought he was hallucinating from lack of food and daydreaming possible futures while having his dreams crushed by reality. Like living well off in his new life in the prosperous south as an adventure, despite going east because of the assassination, and only being able to use barrier magic would not be enough to be an adventurer. Then stumbling in the cave to see his pocket watch and dreaming of being a tutor of a rich nobles daughter. But only knowing barrier magic would make him a poor tutor for a prodigy especially because his method was just "practice diligently for 10 years".

TBH I thought that the reaction from the dragon was that his delirium was so strong it manifested as an illusion barrier that even the dragon could see. And when he started eating he was gona wake up from the mirage and found to be eating dung or rocks or something.

Are we sure this was just pacing and not missing pages or out of order pages?
Nah the WN is just as undescribed. It's breakneck speed and looks like the mangaka is doing like a 1 to 1 from the WN so expect alot of ommited, rushed or incomplete details.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
I cant keep up with this story its going so fast on top of the fact they throw in a new trope every other page. like it seriously puts into perspective how many fantasy manga tropes there are when i read this awful manga lol
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
How is this mfer gonna heal with a barrier??? :worry:
well you see as long it is a "barrier" he can do anything inside of it which is why later on i find him a lazy guy since he literally can make any kind of barrier but never imagine to use those as advantage to use barrier for attacking

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