Methinks thou protests too much.
That's a typical black boss move. "This task I just gave you with a deadline next week needs to be completed in a couple of days." I've had that kind of boss.
They have a very good track record of randomly meeting up.
Typical black boss move number two. "This task you needed to drop everything else to complete and work unpaid overtime is no longer needed." Time to call in sick.
Her underwear changed between pages 10 and 15.
She said it.
Since it's Japan, I wouldn't even count on him being able to collect overtime compensation.
Yeah, and that's the thing. If you're paid for it, sure, whatever, that's happened to me a bunch of times. Also the reverse, where the customers said I don't need to do some tasks, but the contract still has those hours in it, so I'm still getting paid even if I go home early. Even happened that my company lost out on the income, since their contract with the customer had a clause for that, but my contract with my employer still stood, so I got paid anyway, since they can't legally give me less work than my contract specifies.