Kuro no Maou - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Devil

Fed-Kun's army
Dec 17, 2018
Gore. On an ally of the mc is not pleasing to my eyes.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
Lily is a Jojo character, this confirms it.
Religion and gods are things that make anything beautiful ugly.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

Nothing wrong with religion or gods.

Just the wicked people who pervert, twist, abuse, and corrupt them for their own selfish ends.

Like anything, it starts pure, and then the evil of men twists everything into a tool for their own desires.
Active member
Dec 30, 2019
Nice touch that they cut off the non-human looking parts. That being said, I'm sick of my religious iconography being demonized this lazily. Create your own damn symbols you hacks.
Double-page supporter
Dec 23, 2019
Time to teach the demon continent about the value of the scorched earth policy and why you dont fight wars at the end of a very long supply line.

@wakanana you may want to read up on your history then. None of this behavior is out of place historically.

@Kayriel you may need to review your religious texts with a critical eye before making that claim. There isn't a single deity that can be called "good" using any sane standard of morality or ethics.
Oct 4, 2019
Nooo, everyone :(

Glad that lilys adult form is sensible and will let these evil pieces of shit die, as they deserve. Don't you dare save those evil shits. NOW they care that she's still a fairy, huh, even though they drove her out and forced her to do all their dirty work? Evil shits, die.

HELL YEAH Ripped the wings RIGHT OFF
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
Ooh, ok, as a writer I appreciate that they "purified" the half-humanoids by removing their animal parts. Grotesque, but great detail.

Also, it's about time we had a nice girl actually go yandere from being mistreated after all this time.
Double-page supporter
Nov 24, 2019
Nothing wrong with religion or gods.
Just the wicked people who pervert, twist, abuse, and corrupt them for their own selfish ends.

At a certain level I can accept "it's the intention, not the result that matters" as an opinion, but at this point in human history where religious disagreements (to put it lightly) is probably in the top 3 causes of death (along with disease and territorial conflicts), I feel pretty secure in taking the position of "we'd all be better off without religion".

You're like the pedophiles that advocate for no contact with children that get their feelings hurt when people badmouth pedophiles as a group, because "not all pedophiles diddle kids!".
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

You immediately try to liken me to a child molester (different from a pedophile, but it's obvious what you're going for) for saying that we should hate the people who hurt others by abusing the concepts of faith and spirituality? Because that's the same thing everyone's saying, or at least what they mean.

You're demanding hatred become a commonplace generalization, while others are just saying bad people need to stop being bad and fuck them anyway. You're also throwing me into this group you hate when I'm not even religious to begin with, yet you've clearly included me with your intended-to-insult wording.

So, thanks. Thanks for showing me that being a reasonable person who wants the bad shit to stop and to not drag in unrelated people is apparently not 'in' this year, you entitled elitist fucking crackhead.
Double-page supporter
Nov 24, 2019
Just because something isn't inherently bad doesn't mean that its existence doesn't cause bad things to happen. I unironically believe that there's nothing inherently wrong with being a pedophile, but a lot of them go and diddle kids so we'd really be better off if none of them existed.

You're also throwing me into this group you hate when I'm not even religious to begin
I rarely see nonreligious people defend it with such fervor, is all. Also your "Like anything, it starts pure, and then the evil of men twists everything into a tool for their own desires." comment is peak naivety. I'd wager a large majority came to be for the purpose of personal gain, whether small or large.

The old tribe's chief that justifies any decisions with "the great spirit told me so".
The cult leader that is a reincarnation of god.
The sci-fi author that starts a religion to milk money out of people.
The nobody that suddenly had visions and became a somebody.

You're demanding hatred become a commonplace generalization, while others are just saying bad people need to stop being bad and fuck them anyway
I'm not really seeing where this "hatred" is coming from, that's not really a productive approach unless you want to create even more needless conflict. But this whole "Oh bad people just need to like, stop it dude" isn't very productive either, figuring out the cause and the tools used for these "bad people" to do "bad things" plays a pretty major role.

Any ideology with a strong enough belief system that it is able to morally justify various kinds of heinous acts is pretty dangerous, it doesn't really matter if it's not always used as such.
Anything that advocates for blind belief should be shunned, be it religious in nature or something else.
May 8, 2019
I really was hoping that they all survived on some off chance with horrible injuries so he could have a shot at saving them. Damn.

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