Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

Jan 9, 2020
how old is she? I don't remember if it was mentioned or I just missed it.
Oct 15, 2019
This manga is PLATINUM - I mean, the characters, the settings, the world building and last but definitely not the least - the plot, this has it all.

Maaaaaaan this was such an amazing read
Nov 11, 2018
Omg this is so good!!! I just caught up and its AMAZINGGGGG!!!!! Thank u so much for translating!!!!!
Aggregator gang
Mar 26, 2019
The japanese are doing chinese comics but with actual plot. Those manwha style authors need to step up their game if they intend to compete or even get into the ball park of this quality.

Not to shit all over them but the amount of just bad series being put out in chinese settings makes it really difficult to find anything good to read from the setting anymore. There are decent or even great ones but they tend to be series that everyone has been following for years already. Before the big manwha boom even happened.

[I have been just calling most long strip series manwha cause thats what Im used to. I know there is probably a different name for chinese long strips but Im not aware of it yet]
Aug 29, 2019
really love this, although Maomao only appear in the last few page in the latest chapter and that's kinda sucks, well can't wait for next month
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2019
It's so good, but it's also very confusing. I feel like there's a lot of information being dropped in every chapter by the characters just saying weird stuff.

I can't understand any of it.

I didn't even know Rakan was related to Maomao at all until Jinshi said it.
Sep 5, 2019
This manga remind a lot of Gosick and i love it.
Shao Mao's personality have so much similarity with Victorique.
Apr 20, 2018
what an absolute masterpiece of a manga. the plots are nice, the characters are interesting, and the art is impeccable. i would give it an 11/10 if i could
May 18, 2020
One of the best CSI Manga out there, unsure should this be called Mahwa? But aanywayyy.. This one has top notch quality. I could guess few plots but still, many came as surprises. If you're into criminal investigation, this one suits you best
Mar 27, 2020
I guess it is an interesting enough sort of manga.
Standard eccentric protagonist sleuth solves various mysteries that are just dropped in her lap for whatever reason.
Seems to be Josei, not Seinen, despite the tags. I mean let's be serious here... since when has a Seinen manga ever had a small, sexually featureless, eccentric girl as a main character and a blatant looming bishie constantly taking interest in her? Classic shoujo / josei tropes.

But yeah... art is nice, some of the characters are fleshed out a bit while most are kinda flat, though ultimately it is just "mystery story set in ancient china" ... and once you get past that gimmick, it is kinda ordinary. So it gets a kinda average score from me: 6/10.

Okay, part of that is because she fakes her freckles to ostensibly make herself less attractive, and I found that notion completely absurd. As if freckles weren't a plus... and finding someone's freckles are fake is about the same as finding their boobs are fake. Disappoint.
Jan 17, 2020
This series is amazing. Though rather than the typical historical romance, its more focused on solving mysteries and the intricate schemes within the palace of historical China. Basically, I came for historical romance but stayed for the eccentric MC. There is still minimum hints of romance to keep you going though. Its adapted from a novel so expect good content and less of the usual MC who gets distracted by the ML and shallow misunderstandings riddling her feelings every chapter.
Apr 28, 2019
@Soticoto While I understand it’s disappointing that the freckles make her “less attractive”, this is just another historical aspect that relates to the setting. In ancient China, and even now, the ideal face is one that has a light complexion and no spots/blemishes because it signifies that you’re healthy. Darker skin and freckles would indicate that one is more “dirty” and sick.
Mar 27, 2020
@ShiroEuphii : Yah... fine, but I'm still going to disagree, and find anyone who has the opposite opinion "dirty" or "sick" in the head. Damned freckle-haters are almost as bad as glasses-haters.
Oct 1, 2019
@SotiCoto firat of all, the genre isnt decided by the apareance of the characters, have you ever seen happy tree friends? Not cause its cute it means it aint gore seinen. What you said its just overly stupid. (No ofence but it is)

Also, giving less rating because of the freckles? Because you believe that its dumb? Its notorious how you grew in a first world country, maybe a bubble like childhood. Discrimination doesnt need a reason, only a drive. Especially in ancient times when medicine was a privilege and something the ordinary populace knew nothing about, its not strange that they deemed the freckles as a bad thing and while doing so, ugly.

I have read others of your comments and i cant get the idea out of my head that you are just bored of your bland life, taking what you said as the story being ordinary its a huge argument on this. An story its not interesting of remarkable because it presents something never seen before, its because the perspective and the deliver of it are well done, relatable, or interesting.
Mar 27, 2020
@YourTipicalMangaDexAccount : .... Where to even start with you? I'll try to be fair and reasonable, though plainly you didn't bother with the same...

I never said the genre is defined by the appearance of the characters. I mentioned that as supporting evidence. It is the ROLES they fulfil that make it Josei, obviously. So no, what I said isn't stupid at all. Falsely judging it so is stupid.
Moving on...

Secondly, you seem to be assuming that I'm working from a 10 downward.... simply lowering the score every time I dislike something. I don't work that way. I start from a 1 and work my way upward, generally. This may be a bizarre notion to you, but the average score I give out is a 5... y'know... as averages on a scale of 1 to 10 generally would be.
And even so, personal appeal IS going to factor in. I know what I like and I will promote it, and conversely I will do the opposite to things that oppose what I like. That is why this particular story, even if it got points for other factors like the art style or the interesting setting, can't get any more because it directly opposes one of my personal ideals repeatedly. Technically it isn't "losing points" for it, but the most it can get is capped.
6/10 isn't bad. You're acting as though I gave it a 3.

Your judgement that I'm bored of my life is somewhat fair... but not entirely. It isn't just boredom. I hate existing. And I dislike anything that reminds me too much of my own existence. I immerse myself in fiction not merely to stave away boredom, but to keep my mind so entirely occupied in the fictional and fantastical that I become unaware of the confines of my own slowly rotting corpse.
ANYWAY... the core of any fiction is the plot and its movement. It is how things change from one moment to the next. And yes, originality is important. It might not have to be something "never seen before", but at the very least it has to surprise. A good story is generally not a very predictable story. If you know everything that happens before it happens, then where is the point in experiencing it again?
Unfortunately quite a few aspects of this story ARE predictable. Others aren't so much. That ever little arc seems to consist of some mystery being dumped in the protagonist's lap and her inevitable resolution of such issues makes those particular factors uninteresting. As such even if the minor details of what goes on remain novel, the bigger picture comes across as rather... dull.

And if it can't distract me suitably, it isn't exactly doing a stellar job of keeping my mind off things like the feeling of the air-conditioned breeze on my arm or the pain in my spine.
Mar 22, 2019
@SotiCoto So THAT'S why you commented something so long. You were talking about the mediocrities of life after getting into a small argument about genres and freckles. I was so confused.

Firstly, freckles back in ancient China? Wait this is China right? I think it's China...anyways...I once heard someone say that the putting black spots on your face cliche is equivalent to having a lot of dark moles - which we in the west don't appreciate.

Secondly, joseis have a more romanticised tone. Shoujos have an even fluffier romantic tone. The romance aspect is barely there at the moment. Sure we know it exists, but if the protagonist were male and the love interest female, it would be your average mystery novel with a smidgen of romance. I'm just saying that it's a common trope. Sure they tried to pique our interest in the ML by making him secretly a prince, something a non-romance non-shoujo usually wouldn't care about, BUT they aren't doing anything with that fact so it's just 'there'. I wouldn't market this as an epic romance. The romance aspect is just 'there', much like the eunuch/prince himself.

Thirdly, I felt like the other person needlessly insulted you just because you voiced your opinion, even though I myself don't agree.

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