Kuzu Rouninsei, Jinsei ga Tsurai no de Yoru no Onee-san wo Yondemita - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Scumbag's Child

Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
None of this is new, but I think it might be the first time I’ve reflected on why Gay Marriage isn’t legal there and will likely remain this way for a long time.

Also, the country is mostly ruled by the Conservative Party, so legislative progressivism isn’t much of a thing.
The only reason why many western country made gay mariage legal was literaly just to gain the favor of some people to gain popularity for their political party, nothing more.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Welcome to Japan everybody.

One of the most homophobic 1st world countries in the world.

Beaten only by arabic countries.
I love how people have so little understanding of phobia that they create terms that make people out to be worse than they are,

phobia: a long standing multigenerational threat that creates a genetic predisposition aversion reaction to origin of the fear

homophobia: fear of the gays

...as if gays have been a multigenerational threat to everyone else to create a genetic predisposition aversion reaction :dogkek:

and to the rest of you: what's wrong with ANY parents wanting to not have their life's work end the second their kids die with no kids of their own? none of you must have anything substantial built up that you want to last after you are gone...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
Welcome to Japan everybody.

One of the most homophobic 1st world countries in the world.

Beaten only by arabic countries.
You should get out of your cave from time to time, people are not beaten to death in Japan because they are gay. And no one lose everythings because of it either. People do not get attacked in the street if they are gay nor anything else...
Go in Paris in France walk around Gare du Nord, and see how long does it take you to get attacked.

Seriously people always go crazy about these things making up shit. Yeah Japan is not the most open country for gay people they are not mistreated either. There are hundred of country where gay people have it way worst than there.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Welcome to Japan everybody.

One of the most homophobic 1st world countries in the world.

Beaten only by arabic countries.
I think it’s the same with pretty much most of the Asian countries.. same with India, China, don’t know about South Korea but I don’t think any of the south East Asian countries support homosexuality.. barely tolerates Them.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
This scenario doesn’t have the parents thinking about their child’s best, but their own. They’re trying to have her get married with a man so they can get a child because the sister won’t do that. If they had even the slightest consideration they should have asked if she’s interested. It’s just like cynthiacrescent said, they want someone to take over their business and continue it, they don’t care about what’s best for her.
considering how she blew her ability to live a normal life, consistently steals money for a soft hooker, and is willing to gaslight, manipulate, and lie to everyone because she is scummy...I bet if she was the only lesbian her parents would have just accepted it since they viewed her as a failure to begin with, and now that the one they had hoped would be the good one has adamantly refused to be productive in the Japanese way, they are going to force her down the path of being productive against her will... unlike before where they just did the minimum to get her to not be a public disgrace or make her do the bare minimum to be useless somewhere else
Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2020
Welcome to Japan everybody.

One of the most homophobic 1st world countries in the world.

Beaten only by arabic countries.
Are you retarted or something Japan is literally the most accepting of gay ppeople they literally have their own geners at book/ manga if they were so homophobic they would have banned these genres you fucking idiot now if we are talking about China I’d agree with you because China has made it into a mental illness
Active member
Jun 7, 2018
Welcome to Japan everybody.

One of the most homophobic 1st world countries in the world.

Beaten only by arabic countries.
There are plenty of european country with worse treatment of gay people lol. Poland literally have official LGBT-free zone, and there violence against LGBT in europe in general.

meanwhile Civil Union between same sex people is legal in Tokyo, homosexual people is looked down upon by older generation, but there are call for violence or ban against them or media depicting them.

Also even the US have shit like "don't say gay" in some states, there are conservative groups working against everything and anything gay. and the thing in chapter could easily happen in many religious family in the the US, if not worse.

you're just ignorant and racist making generalizing statement like this.
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Active member
Jun 7, 2018
Because it's seen as a fetish for men, same with BL, which is seen as a fetish for women

It's pure objectification of queerness, it exists because there's a market for it, and it's "justified" using non-queer people to buy it
ignorant and untrue statement again, look at the top yuri manga, most of them don't even have panty-shot or sex scenes, most of them are tame story about relationship between people, with the focus of the story on the relationship.

off the top of my head: Watanare, MagiRevo, YagaKimi, Sasakoi, WataOshi, AdaShima, all of them focus on the relationship and not "fetish" in the slightest.

survey on Yuri manga magazine show that readerbase is either half/half male-female or majority female, yuri in general are often written by women for women.

Next time think before making stupid statement like this again, and some idiots here actually upvote shit like this too.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2020
This scenario doesn’t have the parents thinking about their child’s best, but their own. They’re trying to have her get married with a man so they can get a child because the sister won’t do that. If they had even the slightest consideration they should have asked if she’s interested. It’s just like cynthiacrescent said, they want someone to take over their business and continue it, they don’t care about what’s best for her.
And getting a family and a child, aka settle down, is often considered a measurement of success in life among many Asian families. My parents have been nagging me to get married and have kids as well. You are right in thinking they just want someone to continue their business, or in my case, continue the bloodline (I'm the eldest of the father's side extended family). But at the same time, they also think that it is my responsibility and obligation to do so, thus doing so is good for me. Not to mention there are other reasons as well but let's not talk about those.

Again, you might have a different idea of what is best for the child. But I can assure you that they also believed they are doing it for the best of their child as well, one way or another. And as I've said, sometimes what they thought is the best, isn't really the best.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
What the, actually tackling social acceptance as a plot point, in my yuri manga? Might be the first time I have seen it, usually they just live in magical land where everyone is either into yuri or irrelevant.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
Here’s the thing — some people here seem to be conflating societal discrimination to legal recognition.

[Long Post incoming]
Gay Marriage may not be legal in Japan but there are other forms of financial/domestic cohabitation in the law. A marriage in everything but name as I understand it.
Japan legally is very much liberal in terms of LGBT+ Rights, by simple passivity, so overtime the younger generations are growing up and it’s becoming more normal. However it’s the same as saying the US isn’t transphobic because it allows trans people to still exist.

Japan doesn’t recognize non-binary, Conversion Therapy is still a thing there and the generational gap is easily one of the most extreme ones due to secular values clashing so hard with Japanese traditionalism.
You’d probably get favorable/tolerant responses from young people, but open-mindedness is not the norm for the voting majority there.

Got some of this just after a bit of research online. But a very handy site that simplifies/aggregates this is The Equal Rights Index.
Not perfect, but gives a good idea about the legislator side.

Also another important point: Fiction isn’t reality, know that may be silly but there are multiple comments using the argument that it can’t be homophobic because GL/BL are genres. As long as a country has freedoms in expressions, anything can be a genre.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2020
I love how people have so little understanding of phobia that they create terms that make people out to be worse than they are,

phobia: a long standing multigenerational threat that creates a genetic predisposition aversion reaction to origin of the fear

homophobia: fear of the gays

...as if gays have been a multigenerational threat to everyone else to create a genetic predisposition aversion reaction :dogkek:

and to the rest of you: what's wrong with ANY parents wanting to not have their life's work end the second their kids die with no kids of their own? none of you must have anything substantial built up that you want to last after you are gone...
I'm sorry you feel so worthless that you need to force the responsibility for your legacy onto other people. I hope things get better for you. :(
Sep 22, 2018
favorite line here was the "That's gonna cause trouble for me, so could you maybe not", which is the perfect level of scummy. zero support or concern for them
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2019

What game do you think she’s playing?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2019
ignorant and untrue statement again, look at the top yuri manga, most of them don't even have panty-shot or sex scenes, most of them are tame story about relationship between people, with the focus of the story on the relationship.

off the top of my head: Watanare, MagiRevo, YagaKimi, Sasakoi, WataOshi, AdaShima, all of them focus on the relationship and not "fetish" in the slightest.

survey on Yuri manga magazine show that readerbase is either half/half male-female or majority female, yuri in general are often written by women for women.

Next time think before making stupid statement like this again, and some idiots here actually upvote shit like this too.
This is still objetification, you idiot, a lot of yaoi isn't sexual either, but it's still marketed for women, and most yuri series are printed for men to consume, reading comments sections of less curated manga aggregators should tell you plenty about men consuming yuri in droves, let alone in japan, where this content is directly advertised for men

having good examples of mangas that manage to tell meaningful stories with queerness in it as an argument is non-sensical, did you read the chapter you're commenting on? It's not a catch all thing

It's hilarious when you notice a hefty ammount of GL and BL are written by cis men and cis women, respectively
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2019
favorite line here was the "That's gonna cause trouble for me, so could you maybe not", which is the perfect level of scummy. zero support or concern for them
While it is scummy and selfish it’s also 100% true. Unlike her sister, she still depends on her parents to live. Her deciding to drop this bomb while her sister is more or less still trapped living with her parents basically leaves her holding the bag. Her sister is also kind of selfish in a way because living honestly for her own satisfaction comes before any consequences that might befall others as a result of that choice. If she didn’t have her head in the clouds she’d probably think about the kind of people her parents are and what might happen to her sister if she did this. Let’s not forget she is also aware now that her sister is gay as well and still chose to do this, basically leaving her gay sister at the mercy of her homophobic parents with no real way of escaping.

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