@nbhstcqbvvpmacjrmv wow ! just wow ! you
too refuse to listen here. How you can't simple understand that:
1. She just don't know, she suppose to don't know that. the whole thing he is a boy is
any sane person suppose to "I don't see any boy here"
2. There are already a bunch of girls fakes it. They also said the same with this "cute girl"
you just only can see the "she reuse to listen" but can't see in her perspective. Unlike you, She listened, she listen to his explain, and it doesn't sound convincing. and like any sane person would, she not convinced. (why ? read 2 point above to find out why) . And she do what she think is right, not for her own convenient. Just a misunderstood situation.
But what about you ? Are you a
douche or
a person would believe Earth is flat if Flat Earther keep telling you that ?