Kyuuseishu «Messiah» ~Isekai o Sukutta Motoyuusha ga Mamono no Afureru Genjitsu Sekai o Musou Suru~ - Ch. 38 - Two Faces

Fed-Kun's army
Nov 15, 2018
Thanks for the Sukuna lore. Whenever names pop up in multiple places it's obvious there's a cultural well to keep going back to somewhere.

To be frank, I'm not really liking the whole smug conspirators trope here. It just irked me for no end. Think I'll stew this for two or four years when there's 10 chapters more to read, rather being kept in an edge.
Smug and/or eccentric conspirators skulking in the shadows is one of the most irritating tropes for sure.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2023
While I understand that reason, it's still utter bullshit, hear me out. He has been in this body for what 3-4 months maybe more but in every major fight he is stopped short cause "it's not his og body and the body has never trained" but he never actually trains it after these fights to not hit these walls every single time. Maybe this is an example of him being naive but that attitude also got him killed in the last world, which in the story so far seems he hasn't grown past.

Sigh, like I know he wasn't going win this fight but seeing that none of the villains are scared or suprised as each of their allies are getting killed (though in my guess because of the story he killed none of them) even when they are working together to hold back the MC. Also as a side note I really dislike the trope in "new body" genre where the MC refuses to live how they want in this new body because "that's not what the og body may have wanted", like they're dead or gone somewhere else and by the nature of these stories they may have been Reincarnated too just like the MCs.

Anyway I wait and see what happens next
Well you cannot expect him to reach his full potential in 3 months time Takeru trained for years in another world to beat the demon lord do you expect him to reach the same potential with that scrawny ahh body of his with just a couple of months of training? It's like thinking you can bench 405 in just two months of body building, even if you take all the tren and sarms in the world you can't bench 405 in 2-3 months time.

Also the new body thing is kind of what you expect from him. Takeru is a HERO he risked his lives for others even after he got betrayed he IS still a HERO and HEROES do the right thing in this case trying to find a way for the real owner of the body is the RIGHT thing to do.I mean Even The Great Hero Himmel would've done the same if he is in his situation. If he's a loser that hasn't come out of his mother's basement in years I could understand why he wouldn't return that body.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
Well this was the most predictable outcome that anyone could have imagined. I knew I shouldn't have gotten excited over last chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
Thanks for the new chapter!

I have a feeling that Edelweiss (the saintess princess) might still be alive in some form. The demon lord said they fought until the bitter end but a lot of literature points that a 'bitter end' does not always mean death. Or if she did die back then, she might have been reincarnated as well in this timeline.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
Thanks for the new chapter!

I have a feeling that Edelweiss (the saintess princess) might still be alive in some form. The demon lord said they fought until the bitter end but a lot of literature points that a 'bitter end' does not always mean death. Or if she did die back then, she might have been reincarnated as well in this timeline.
There is absolutely no way that she is actually dead. Otherwise there will be no point talking (which they will be %100 doing after this fight).
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
ahh, the cliche "reaching limit with this untrained body"
gee, who would've seen this coming? :sleep:
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2023
You just have to imagine how strong he is to easily dish out that damage if even the king and saint were no match.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
While I understand that reason, it's still utter bullshit, hear me out. He has been in this body for what 3-4 months maybe more but in every major fight he is stopped short cause "it's not his og body and the body has never trained" but he never actually trains it after these fights to not hit these walls every single time. Maybe this is an example of him being naive but that attitude also got him killed in the last world, which in the story so far seems he hasn't grown past.

Sigh, like I know he wasn't going win this fight but seeing that none of the villains are scared or suprised as each of their allies are getting killed (though in my guess because of the story he killed none of them) even when they are working together to hold back the MC. Also as a side note I really dislike the trope in "new body" genre where the MC refuses to live how they want in this new body because "that's not what the og body may have wanted", like they're dead or gone somewhere else and by the nature of these stories they may have been Reincarnated too just like the MCs.

What Takeru Classic has done so far in this fight is the result of his training in the new body. Chapter 8, he's doing jogging and probably calisthenics. It's not like Original Takeru could withstand being smashed, even with Healing Magic. He's specifically said, he doesn't want to give Original Takeru back a distorted body. This isn't Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic, where he can become super strong. He doesn't have the Healing skill to do that sort of thing.

Look up on YouTube "Vince McMahon torn quad". Besides being hilarious, You can literally destroy your body, if you're not careful. In Vince's case, it's from Steroid Use. But the same could be said of uncontrolled Strengthening Magic Use. His original Strength Level was from literal Years of training.

And the Demons could be unfazed by the vicious assault because they have a Skilled Non Combatant Medic/Healer. Takeru Classic, knows that he can't leave Demons alive, Chapter 5 Page 7. But he also knows, he has to save some strength and not exhaust himself from fighting the pawns. So he's not wasting time doing a coup de grace, because he has to worry about who's coming next.

Anyways, Takeru was /never/ going to win this fight. Because the Demon Lord could just teleport him away. After he exhausted himself on the minions, he still needs enough strength to fight the Demon Lord.


Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
Why are people acting like "no surprise" is automatically a bad thing? Also, people seem to have too much expectation for this battle when this arc is clearly meant to be more exposition and set up for the plot down the line.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
Well you cannot expect him to reach his full potential in 3 months time Takeru trained for years in another world to beat the demon lord do you expect him to reach the same potential with that scrawny ahh body of his with just a couple of months of training? It's like thinking you can bench 405 in just two months of body building, even if you take all the tren and sarms in the world you can't bench 405 in 2-3 months time.

Also the new body thing is kind of what you expect from him. Takeru is a HERO he risked his lives for others even after he got betrayed he IS still a HERO and HEROES do the right thing in this case trying to find a way for the real owner of the body is the RIGHT thing to do.I mean Even The Great Hero Himmel would've done the same if he is in his situation. If he's a loser that hasn't come out of his mother's basement in years I could understand why he wouldn't return that body.

There is a vast difference between spending years learning how to train your body, and doing so already knowing how to properly train your body.

While it might take longer then the few months he has been in this borrowed body. As long as the body is able, it shouldn't take him years to train it to the same level as his heroic body.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2023

There is a vast difference between spending years learning how to train your body, and doing so already knowing how to properly train your body.

While it might take longer then the few months he has been in this borrowed body. As long as the body is able, it shouldn't take him years to train it to the same level as his heroic body.
As long as the body is able, it shouldn't take him years to train it to the same level as his heroic body.
You are trying to compress years of training to months. Even if let's say you take Arnold back in time with all his knowledge and expertise in body building he wouldn't reach his peak Mr. Olympia Days even if you gave him a year with all the anabolics and modern equipment we have. A human body doesn't have a level up system you cannot smurf through progress either being the best takes time and Takeru here has clearly progress quite a lot in the past months he can barely escape Sakura before now he can take 4 High Ranking Demons by himself and that is his current limit with 2-3 months of training

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