Lady Baby - Vol. 2 Ch. 51

Aug 9, 2018
lemme guess... eldest brother comes barging in next chapter about to chop off brother hal's loli grabbing hands 😅
Active member
Sep 5, 2019
OUR LIPPE WILL BECOME SUCH A HEARTBREAKER. Lippe harem. Lol All those 4 guys getting interested with her. And now not only does she have 3 big older brothers, but has gained an older sister....good luck
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
@chuchuchoerry right its mad sus but he's like okay! i mean he is pretty young too so like i get why he wouldnt be very suspicious
i dont think hal is seeing her in a romantic aspect though so like its fine hes just a happy kid to find someone to talk about things hes passionate about/ things he wanted to share but didnt know whod understand
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@eminyan yeahi mean i guess hal is only 12 and ive met 12 year olds who are so damn oblivious so it wouldnt be farfetched to have him not be suspicious about lippe askin around about that shit.
and that part of my comment was directed more towards the readers/fandom who keep shipping a 12 year old with a 5 year old! like some of them need to grow some braincells cause online culture and shipping fandom have obvi rotted some of their brain and sense of morality.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
ohh gotchu yeah thats fucking nasty LMAOO like okay fine when theyre actually adults but uhm. shipping a literal baby and an early teen? yikes no
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@eminyan finally an intellectual! fr fr its mad nasty like i have siblings and cousins that are the same as them both and its so freakin gross im bouta call the fbi on yall on god
Jun 10, 2019
Those that are saying hals is a pedo, or nasty need to get their head out of the gutter. He clearly likes her and finds her to be admirable but in his mind, it's not romantic love, who knows it may never be romantic. He is not trying to sleep with the minor ALSO he is a minor PLUS Libby is not a child in mind that's why they get along mentally they are peers, in some ways, she is far more mature than him and even all their parents...Don't make something pure and innocent into something disgusting SOME adults(they also teach children to) do to abuse and oppress others. Also, I SHIP them in the FUTURE, they are both amazing kids and i can see them being perfect together when they are more mature and experienced in life, for now, its nothing but innocence, platonic.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
@keyfire23 well fucking spoken
and idk how yall calling hal a pedo when hes just a kid??? like im sorry maybe its just me but when most kids were fucking 12 they easily had crushes and their hearts would waver easily
like idk even if he did romantically like lippe i sorta get it in how hes AGAIN A TEENAGER and going through puberty and cant control his feelings as long as he doesnt pursue her- but like hal has sad he wouldnt fall for a 5 year old

i think their love is just completely pure and platonic and tbh beautiful?? being flustered and blushing =/= oh no i like them
Jun 10, 2019
People are really projecting weird stuff, why must we turn innocence into something disturbing for heaven's sake this is a manga that's super fluffy nothing sexual even between the parents it's all Family and platonic love...Either way, I am cheering all these little cuties on! I love this series...I really wanna know who the bad guys are....I wanna see their happily ever after.
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
To those who are disgusted at people shipping the two together, shipping a couple doesn't always mean that we want to see them have sex or any of mature stuff, but its just them being together.

Heck, I don't even find it strange if Hal is attracted to Lippe since he is in the midst of puberty which is transition from child to a young teen.
Apr 4, 2018
mass release! thank you so much!
i mean hal liking lippe at the moment might be a bit too much of an age gap, but once they actually grow up to an adults, personally, should be fine. though remains the fact that lippe legit doesn't act like a five year old! she acts like someone in the mid teens, plus she's drop dead gorgeous, so i could get where hal is coming from. i mean, look at the red hair girl compared to lippe! she acts much more immature (befitting her age) so you could use that as a basis. and the red hair girl is about what.. 2 years? (can't remember dang) older than lippe. so lippe is kinda like a breather for hal who's always been surrounded by children. 🤩
Sep 1, 2019
I ship it, they have to be together :< I don't want any other ending than them together :<

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