Hasn't read the 68th chapter but ripping butterfly wings seems normal to me. Not that it is a good thing. The kid certainly has to be taught to stop and told that it is hurting the butterfly.
I remember doing it from time to time when I was around 4-7. I rip butterfly, dragonfly, and grasshopper wings and feet. Not always, like whenever I caught them but quite often. I wasn't getting any joy from it or wanted to hurt those bugs or venting any emotions. It is just that those animals don't make a sound. So I didn't know that it is in pain. I just thought it is interesting to disassemble them. Like opening a rubrics cube, instead of solving it. Just curiosity.
Then my friend told me I shouldn't because the poor bugs must be in pain. The first time warning doesn't work. I still don't see what is so wrong with what I did. Eventually, I stop because some friends and older family members are telling me not to hurt anyone (including animals and plants) with different examples, "what ifs". So then I understand the wrong things I did.
I am a normal employee now. No weird tendencies. So I think young children ripping butterfly's wings aren't necessarily psychopath sign.