Lady Baby - Vol. 3 Ch. 87

Mar 13, 2020

Calliope was adorable and fun at first, but she is seriously starting to get on my nerves. You are freakin 5 years old, obviously your parents should decide for you! But somehow your wise (?) and uptight parents and family suddenly become dumb idiots whenever they think you act all cute (ugh major eyeroll)
I srsly need a time skip
Mar 22, 2019
@xDcynr As soon as I saw the whole thing about their country's law allowing five year olds to consent, I skipped through the whole thing to see if any other characters were introduced, realised that that's not really the case and went straight to the end. I'm so tired of these shenanigans. Also she's kinda obnoxious for a five year old and everyone obsessing over her is creepy. I need a time skip desperately.
Mar 22, 2019
@Kekitus I don't think this manhwa knows what it wants it's protagonist to be. The isekai thing played out in a weird way.

I honestly think I hate isekais now. It's not just Lady Baby. Several manga and manhwas use it as a plot device. Shall I use the word plot device? I mean background setting so that the main character is relatable and modern in a historical setting. It's kinda pointless to "isekai" a character most of the time unfortunately. Lady Baby went further with isekai though. This girl has a mystery to solve. And you know what this manhwa is doing? Spending too long and drawing out her childhood where adults creepily fawn over her, older kids seem are weirdly attracted to her, and even young kids that are still are obsessed with her. It's kinda uncomfortable.

Also regarding the adult-in-a-child's-body thing where you say those protagonists should act like adults, it's the logical thing but it doesn't quite work. When most manhwas make the isekai'd protagonist act like a child, it tries to make you forget the fact the an adult in a child's body in fundamentally creepy. That's why the adults act like children. It's weird to see a deficit between the way someone looks and how they act. Anyways now that's out of the way.

Here's my personal problem with Lippe. I wanted a mystery. I got a slice of life coming-of-age fantasy. But you know what? I got used to it. They had several time skips at the beginning, yet they focused on the awkward time of her being five. It wasn't a problem at first. Lippe became relatable to the reader since she was an adult. Yet they spent too long on it and milked the adult-in-a-child's body trope until it's annoying. Everyone sees her as a child, and the manhwa seems to want to make you think Lippe is a cute child too. Instead they keep reiterating the fact that's she's an adult. It was fine at first, but because of the overextended duration where adults kept fawning over Lippe over and over and Lippe kept being an adult, it got stale. It helped me realise other weird things about Lippe I didn't like. Lippe, looking down at her peers because they are psychologically younger than her is annoying - but that's not just her attitude to her peers. She treats everyone like that. This camera thing is just another case of Lippe turning up her nose at the dumb people aorund her.

The appeal of children is innocence. That was removed by making Lippe a haughty adult.

Here's the conclusion. It's a weird mesh of readers wanting a child and not getting one, which is frustrating but easy to be ignored. And then it's readers hopping on the coming of age bus and getting none of it. The manhwa seems like it wants to be a story about a small child but then it throws in the adult thing. Manga readers hope that awkwardness would be alleviated with a time skip but they are getting none of it. That's the short version. Sorry for the rant.
Aggregator gang
Oct 16, 2019
Absolutely so sick of stories where the only reason for the reincarnation is to add a reincarnation/isekai tag

One of Lippe's main goals is stop her family's financial collapse, there's no way she isn't going to pull out all the stops to achieve it
Active member
Feb 15, 2019
@RubyG8396 it's fine, I like long rants, especially when they are nicely articulated like this yours.

I must say I agree with 90% of what you just said, and I'll try to answer your points one by one.

First, I hate isekais too. I think it's an overused stale format that was interesting at first but has been boring for the most part in the last years. Especially since most authors don't even make the effort to create their own story : I don't know exactly how many time I've read "I'm a Japanese girl that got reincarnated as a vilainess of my favorite otome game" but the answer is probably "too many times". At this point the only reason I keep reading isekais is because they make up for more than half of the new mangas that are released, and if you refuse to read them then you're left with almost nothing. It's just sad imo how you can't even find a normal fantasy manga anymore, it has to be an isekai. And I think you're spot on with the reason why so many authors are writing isekais : it's an easy way to make a relatable character in a fantasy setting. The character knows about our modern customs, he knows about Japan, but you can still write a fantasy story. Want to write about a child? It's fine, it's actually an adult in a child body so they can have some complex thinking, the plot doesn't have to be boring.
But what I meant is that, at the very least, I prefer a story where the isekai is actually exploited rather than one where the only reason the author is making it an isekai is to add an isekai tag. I have tons of example where I'm just wondering "was the isekai bit necessary?". It's basically like with the 100 days format thing : I hate that it became a gimmick, but I hate even more when authors don't stick to the format. Because then it just becomes clickbait, the authors just do it because they want to ride on the trend but don't actually stick to it.

I also agree that Lady Baby was a good plot because it pushed the isekai a bit more and gave her a mystery to solve. And I 100% agree that the pacing has been terrible recently, it almost became a slice of life at this point. Every single chapter we're reminded of the same mysteries, but every chapter we don't actually make any progress on said mysteries. And I feel like I've read the "this adult is actually evil, I know because of my past life, I'll roast her in front of all the other ladies" a hundred times by now, even though it didn't happen that often. It just goes to show how I really feel like the author doesn't know how to make his story progress at all. And the recent chapters have just been nothing but adults and kids fawning about Lippe, which was super cute at first, but is just getting ridiculous by now. As most people already said in the comments, I'm also dying to get a timeskip. Or any kind of progress at all really, I came for the interesting mystery plot, not to see 100 chapters of adults doting on a kid. Adults doting on her should be a plus because it can be a cute extra, but it shouldn't become the main focus of the story. It's at the point where I don't even remember most of the major events that happened before (like the ether thingy with the whale is just super vague in my memory) just because it's flooded by the slice of life.

The 10% where I disagree is that I don't actually dislike Lippe's character. I don't even dislike her acting haughty. I don't think it's that much of a problem when she's doing it with kids because, well, she's an adult. We all do that with children, acting like they are absolutely stupid and saying "oooh how cute" to the silliest things they do. We're condescending to children because they are children, it's not that annoying imho. As for how she acts with the other adults, I agree that she's acting super condescending which isn't a good trait, but I don't necessarily dislike a character like that. I agree that she's definitely way smarter than your average adult in this world, and she's taking advantage of this by picking up on the dumber people around her. But she's mostly doing it for business reasons (like in this case) or on straight up evil characters. She's trying to gain connections and establish her power, so she's being manipulative. It hasn't reached a point where I find her character annoying, but I agree that building this kind of manipulative characters is treading on a very thin line. But so far the author has made her character likable imo. I think the whole "it's awkward" thing comes more from the fact that the author overused and milked the premise of the story than from the character itself.

So as a conclusion I'd say that I don't think we fundamentally disagree. I dunno if I answered to everything but I tried my best lmao. My view on this manhwa is that even though I tend to dislike how the isekai thing became such a massive trend, I like that the author actually gave a meaning to the isekai. The isekai part of the plot makes sense, it's not just here for the sake of adding an isekai tag to the manga and to ride on the trend. And I appreciate that he's sticking to it and keeping Lippe's character as an adult in a child body that is using every trick up her sleeve to establish connections and save her family's future. What I dislike though, like most people in this comment section apparently, is how the author milked the "slice of life of adults fawning over Lippe" to the point that it became 90% of the plot, and that we're not making progress at all. I feel like I've made more progress in 30 chapters of most manhwas than in the almost 90 chapters of this manhwa. The pacing is objectively terrible, the author keeps teasing this huge mystery of "who killed my family" to keep us entertained but never actually makes progress with it. It's annoying, and it's starting to spoil the whole manhwa, even though the premise was interesting at first.
May 6, 2019
Despite your long comment, Lady baby is not an isekai....

It is a time travel manhwa....
All the protagonist did was travel back in time with 'magic'.
Mar 23, 2020
I was kind of able to accept the small, modern camera (versus the bulky and cumbersome kind that was used around the 19th century) in a fantasy world in this recent arc because of the magical hand-waving; Lippe talking about terms and conditions of use as if she were negotiating with a modern magazine is pushing it a bit too far, I think. I don't remember her being described as being particularly savvy at business in her previous life. Sometimes it's like Lippe was isekai'd from the modern world instead of getting a second chance in her own world, as if the author wasn't able to do enough worldbuilding and took a few shortcuts instead.
Jan 21, 2018
@Kekitus Not sure if you're saying that Lady Baby is an isekai manga, but one thing I'd like to really point out is that Lady Baby is actually a manhwa which is a korean comic. I do agree that a lot of manhwa have isekai themes which makes them pretty boring however, I don't think that a story is actually classified as an isekai if all they did was travel back in time.
Apr 8, 2019
Well it's true that I attribute some laws to a fictional story. I think that as I try to immers myself into a story, I'd like to have some solid law foundation with a historical explanation (and I used the ones I encountered in real life as reference, if not found in the story. My bad...). So that, if they argue about something (especially rights), I could totally enjoy their discussions. It's just a personal feeling, I guess. I felt like the exchange of words between Lippe and the guy was basically:
Author : ok guys, let's create a law --> gives power to Lippe
Lippe : Gotcha, you making profits behind my back
Guy : ah well, I can't win this argument, you're such an invincible person (let me bow to you)

Also, if we consider the environment of this fiction, I would like to point out that when we see how children of similar age behave, they are childish (like they should). That's why Lippe is seen as smart for her age if not a genius. But if the majority of the children acts like that, why would they make a law where children (who aren't mature yet) can make decisions (with commercial stakes for example)? Or is Lippe an exception because she's the mc ?

We already know she's going to win in every altercation and I grew bored of this.
I'm curious about her family plot though that's why I'll keep reading.

Sorry for the long post ; )
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2019
The laws about children rights is probably to protect noble children from being screwed over by relatives.
Active member
Feb 15, 2019
@xAnglekittYx I know Lady Baby isn't an isekai per se since isekai stands for "different world", I'm using isekai as an umbrella terms for reincarnation stories in general since that's what the person I was answering to was using. Should have mentionned it or clarified in my post, it's my bad on this one. It doesn't invalidate the points I made one bit though, just replace "isekai" with "reincarnation" in my post and voila.

@vaneatas same answer as above, my bad, shouldn't have used isekai but reincarnation instead. Though I don't know what gave you the impression I thought Lady Baby was a manga when I used the term manhwa to describe Lady Baby throughout my post.
Mar 22, 2019
@Kekitus I think it's appropriate to say that we agree overall, but on the exact mechanics on what exactly is so frustrating is where we "disagree" on. I mean I kinda agree with you but then I don't and, you know, I think you understand. I'm just really disappointed with how stale Lady Baby is getting. I think that after white hair boy was introduced (who was the male lead), we all expected a time skip because all the characters were here and the manhwa just seemed ready to be set in motion. And even if it didn't have a time skip there, I think we wanted new plot. I'm sure (hoping actually but I'm saying sure) that things will get better soon. Soon things will start back in motion and before we know it, we'll be closer to a development in this manhwa.
Mar 22, 2019
@Darkmeep Oh right, I forgot that that's a trope in manhwa. I still think it's weird that in fantasy worlds children are wise enough to make informed decisions for themselves and adults respect them for it. I know that usually plot convenience allows the children to get but, when I think about it's application in the real world, it's kinda concerning. I wasn't mature at 12 and 13 (the age most protagonists seem to be when their parents die and the evil selfish relatives try to steal their goods). And then I think about other 12 year olds that were even less mature than me. Sure those manhwa like to say "this character is broken for growing up so fast" but I really question just how fast these characters matured. But you know, it's fiction. I think I'd like to see an entire story dedicated to a child realistically surviving like that in a manhwa lol.

@Mooyani Yes, this is getting very, very stale. My little (lemme do a quick calculation to figure out her age in the US) 6th grade - 7th grade sister just totally dropped it because the plot is stagnant. She told me to keep reading to see when things pick up. It's same old - same old and us readers are gradually getting slightly irritated.
Jun 24, 2019
I really like that the author doesn't make Lippie rely on any males characters specialy the prince and she is building herself her own connections so no one would dare to touch her family in the futur.
This is still the best isekai for me because there is no prince that help to make the life easier of the FL and she is using her past experience and head a lot more than others heroines.

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