Lady Baby

Apr 12, 2020
Seriously, why do you read a title such as Lady BABY when all you want is a time skip?
Also, there was a later cover of Lippe
singing with a microphone, so I believe after she TIME SKIPS and becomes 10+ she will become a famous singer.
Honestly, I prefer watching baby Lippe drag them nobles and do business than 'grown-up' Lippe doing
'produce 101'.
Mar 31, 2020
@Ubelly Exactly, I couldn’t have said it better, shouldn’t you be happy this series turns out to be longer if you like it?!
Jun 3, 2019
I caught up nooooo, this is too good and cute! Lippe deserves all the head pats and hug.
Apr 29, 2020
The story is coming off as more and more elitist :/ What I mean is the story seems to have a theme of “rich people = good/superior, common people = bad/less than”. I keep hoping this theme will be questioned in the story but so far it hasn’t.

I’ve really liked the story thus far but this theme has been sticking out like a sore thumb and has been making enjoying it more difficult. It’s even in the art style, all the rich people have colorful designs while all the commoners have washed out beige colors. Even characters who were once commoners and made their way up the ranks have the same washed out color scheme, and they usually end up being bad people as well.

I really hope that theme is questioned in the story some time.
May 20, 2019
this is getting boring and the story is going nowhere, chapter 86 and she's still a child which make it difficult for me to take her seriously because no one noticed how her behavior is that of a grown up, and the cuteness part is too much...
i don't normally write commenters but this story is becoming a lippe harem in my opinion .
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
If the fanbase made a Eng/Kor poll for all readers like; would you like to see Lippe get a younger sibling with 1. no, 2. lil sis, 3. lil bro as options, would the publisher/author listen or care? or is this strictly novel based? just curious...


I don't know if you know this, but the economy the story is set in IS NOT the same as IRL, meaning, income determine the clothing of the individuals.... never confuses fiction for real life.

so logically, richer people would have colourful clothes.... the cast is centered around Lippe after all, unless she suddenly go the 'not saving my family' but 'I'm gonna be an activist/philantropist' plot/route (which it obviously won't), the story'll stay in the same tone....

and the bad guy of the story IS high Nobility... just don't care or mind that much about mob chara...
Jun 25, 2020
didn't sleep all night just so I can binge read this. It's so cute uwu also lil bb blue eyes and blue hair is so pretty! Literally every panel of him is true art
Mar 22, 2019
Everyone is gawking over Lippe - especially older males, and that makes me uncomfortable. I mean I know they like how mature she seems but then they'd still blush over how cute she is - indicating how they are very aware she is a child. I know she's an adult in a child's body but I just want her to grow up already. It is making me somewhat uneasy.
May 2, 2018
Calliope as a baby is really hard to read. She finally grows to 5 at chapter 20, so the awkward baby speaking intelligent arc ends. The family dynamic is sweet but i can only handle so much of this romanticized unrealistic (boring) family dynamic. I get that we are building to something but it's hard to handle 30 chapters of almost everyone telling the MC how wonderful she is.
May 2, 2018
Is it just me or is Lippe kind of a Mary Sue? I am trying to like this because the story is promising and the art is cute, but I am getting Mary Sue vibes
Jul 7, 2020
A reincarnation piece where the author overindulged a little too much on the main character to the point that every other character becomes nothing more but set pieces meant to glorify the Mary Sue. Story doesn't seem to have any plot aside from making sure the reader knows that Calliope is the best thing next to sliced bread.

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