Lady Baby

Sep 28, 2019




Seriously it's annoying to have to scroll so much just to get to the next panel.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 28, 2018
Good enough to start would recommend, to anyone who likes reincarnation stories that is not isekai or villainess.

An okay enough read so far up to Ch. 39:
I have to say, though I like the fact they didn't exactly rush through her baby phase to her 5 year old phase it was tiring a bit to see it overstay its welcome a bit. It was for characterization purposes but also the ongoing joke of her family prasing her being a genius got a bit dull after a while. Seeing where the story is going now at Ch. 39 is refreshing to say the least.
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
I can't continue after ch13.
I guess its a good thing author made the family not too primitive in their beliefs for the benefit of lippe to do these stuff but I just can't turn off my brain, everytime I do so I feel my braincells dying in sheer agony.
Middle ages is a very dangerous time for early "geniuses" to be alive lol. Being aware of the concept of time or gratitude or even consciousness of complicated issues for a supposedly careless and ignorant baby can be interpreted as a possession of evil spirits.
HOLD BACK DAMMIT! Your tragedy starts after 13 years, why the rush?
This is why timeskips of 3-5 years is better than staying a baby.
Jun 21, 2018
@greyhud90 What gave you the idea that this is set in the middle ages? The fashion alone indicates at least pre-industrial by our standards (tailored suits, and suspenders are 19th century trends and neckties were created during the 17th century) Besides, nowhere was it stated that the setting is Earth so our belief systems may not even apply in the first place.
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
@shouldsleep even logic is not applied? I don't know if there is magic there too, but if there is then its even worse for a possessed baby.
It is not important where the setting is, what matters is they act the same as people in our earth, same family structure, same system same same everything.

I get that she gets older after a few chapters and solves the cringe problem but I just cant get past the genius omniscient baby hurdle.
Jun 21, 2018

You're implying that demons and possession is a universally accepted concept in literature (it's not). It's already greatly challenged in our current society, so to assume it exists it in a hypothetical universe is ludicrous.

And calling it "basically the same as earth" when we barely even have a background of actually culturally encompassing world elements. Belief systems, inter-country relationships, heck the social structure is barely even discussed so assumptions at this point are merely projections. The only thing we know (from chapter 13) are there are nobles, architecture and fashion mimick contemporary styles loosely, and there was a war. These aren't rare concepts and there are buttloads of literature that don't involve real world belief even with that same structure.

Heck even if you believe that it mimicks the world and should have the same concepts, demon possession as a belief fell out of popularity post renaissance. A less paranoid age and the rise of modern societal ideas (advances in education and science, spread of paper and germ theory) lead to a more logical society and contemporary examples of geniuses (Mozart, for instance as a real world counterpart) would be enough to warrant that prodigies are a possibility and not just cases of child possession.
Sep 21, 2019
@shouldsleep and @greyhud90 not to mention in the prologue it is mentioned that "bombs were going off in the city" as her mother was laying sick in bed after her family was wiped out. Which shows rudimentary understanding of "gunpowder goes boom" at the very least. We're probably looking at a world in more or less the late 16th to early 19th century. Looks also Victorian styled as well, but I'm not a designer so I can't be certain of periods by dresses. Probably wouldn't matter anyways but I digress. But this isn't even the main issue. Grey's issue is that it's unrealistic that the family wouldn't immediately bash the child's head in for being possessed. To which it should be noted that they loved, have always loved, and will always love, her. This was shown in the prologue, and throughout her growing up the second time. This is a very family oriented noble family which is why they were practically picked off one by one in the prologue.
Aug 28, 2019

Thanks for the uploads guys ! <3
Nov 13, 2019
U knowwwww Lippe just look like a doll! ♥♥. She is so smart 😍 same goes w his brothers~~. I love all of them!.
Im so excited for next chapter..( ˘ ³˘)♥
Aug 12, 2019
Lady who’s decades older than her physical age after being reborn as a child again, shits on other people’s unassuming looks except for her family who don’t suspect a thing cause she’s too damn cute which causes them to have a complex about her
Aug 1, 2018
Does anyone know who the white haired guy in the cover is? Did he make an appearance yet?
Mar 6, 2018
Considering raws are in the 60's I was hoping for 2 chapters a week but I guess not :(
Active member
Oct 27, 2019

I understand your feelings because of how amazing this story is, and how we just want more and more more (me included! Cant help it, they’re all adorable huhu :’D )... but it’s probably best to just feel thankful that they’re doing this at all! They have their own lives to live.
Active member
Dec 6, 2018
While I'm not the biggest fan of the pacing (it's a bit slow for my taste, but that's probably because I don't get a lot out of all the moments where they're just fawning over how cute the MC is), one thing that I really enjoy here are how people are presented. Even the assholes who you're meant to hate I can get where they're coming from, as their bad attitudes are relatively believable and their complaints do have some bite to them. I've seen a few similar series that basically would go so far out of their way to have the antagonists be downright awful that it eventually felt like they were aliens with how much they had no regard for another human being, but here we just have assholes who are full of themselves and when they hit an obstacle or something that (understandably) puts them out of their comfort zones they just get rude and sharp tongued, and don't become violent or anything unless they are fully pushed. It can be a little jarring to see the MC get ruthless, but it does seem to fit her given what's happened, though perhaps it'd help smooth out the experience if we saw her being a bit more pragmatic at times rather than just 'proper' like we usually see her.

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